Unsummarized papers are at the end.
Summarized papers
- Serberus: Protecting Cryptographic Code from Spectres at Compile-Time [mosier:sandp:2023]
- Automating constraint-aware datapath optimization using E-graphs [coward:arxiv:2023]
- End-to-end formal verification of a RISC-V processor extended with capability pointers [gao:fmcad:2021]
- Opening Pandora's box: A systematic study of new ways microarchitecture can leak private data [vicarte:isca:2021]
- The fallacy of spec-based design [bhatt:sefm:2003]
- The tensor algebra compiler [kjolstad:oopsla:2017]
- Sparse GPU kernels for deep learning [gale:arxiv:2020]
- The state of sparsity in deep neural networks [gale:arxiv:2019]
- Fast sparse ConvNets [elsen:arxiv:2019]
- TensorFlow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous distributed systems [abadi:arxiv:2016]
- In-datacenter performance analysis of a tensor processing unit [jouppi:isca:2017]
- SIGMA: A sparse and irregular GEMM accelerator with flexible interconnects for DNN training [qin:hpca:2020]
- ExTensor: An accelerator for sparse tensor algebra [hedge:micro:2019]
- Attention is all you need [vaswani:arxiv:2017]
- Outrageously large neural networks: The sparsely-gated mixture-of-experts layer [shazeer:arxiv:2017]
- GShard: Scaling giant models with conditional computation and automatic sharding [lepikhin:arxiv:2020]
- Switch transformers: Scaling to trillion parameter models with simple and efficient sparsity [fedus:arxiv:2021]
- GeST: An automatic framework for generating CPU stress-tests [hadjilambrou:ispass:2019]
- Silent data corruptions at scale [dixit:arxiv:2021]
- Cores that don't count [hochschild:hotos:2021]
- CHERI concentrate: Practical compressed capabilities [woodruff:tocs:2019]
- The next 700 semantics: A research challenge [krishnamurthi:snapl:2019]
- snmalloc: A message passing allocator [lietar:ismm:2019]
- CacheQuery: Learning replacement policies from hardware caches [vila:pldi:2020]
- PAC: Practical accountability for CCF [shamis:arxiv:2021]
- Toward confidential cloud computing: Extending hardware-enforced cryptographic protection to data while in use [russinovich:acmq:2021]
- Spectector: Principled detection of speculative information flows [guarnieri:sandp:2020]
- Phantom types and subtyping [fluet:jfp:2006]
- GhostCell: Separating permissions from data in Rust [yanovski:unknown:2021]
- Understanding memory and thread safety practices and issues in real-world Rust programs [qin:pldi:2020]
- How do programmers use unsafe Rust? [astrauskas:oopsla:2020]
- Is Rust used safely by software developers? [evans:icse:2020]
- Checking type safety of foreign function calls [furr:pldi:2005]
- Dependent types for low-level programming [condit:esop:2007]
- QSYM: A practical concolic execution engine tailored for hybrid fuzzing [yun:usenix:2018]
- Symbolic execution with SymCC: Don't interpret, compile! [poeplau:usenix:2020]
- SAVIOR: Towards bug-driven hybrid testing [chen:sp:2020]
- TracerX: Dynamic symbolic execution with interpolation [jaffar:arxiv:2020]
- Practical, low-effort equivalence verification of real code [ramos:cav:2011]
- A local shape analysis based on separation logic [distefano:tacas:2006]
- Beyond reachability: Shape abstraction in the presence of pointer arithmetic [calcagno:sas:2006]
- Noninterference for free [bowman:icfp:2015]
- Generalized symbolic execution for model checking and testing [khurshid:tacas:2003]
- Scalable error detection using boolean satisfiability [xie:popl:2005]
- Under-constrained symbolic execution: Correctness checking for real code [ramos:sec:2015]
- Quantifying the performance of garbage collection vs. explicit memory management [hertz:oopsla:2005]
- Under-constrained execution: Making automatic code destruction easy and scalable [engler:issta:2007]
- Engineering the Servo web browser engine using Rust [anderson:icse:2016]
- Formal specification and testing of QUIC [mcmillan:sigcomm:2019]
- Executable counterexamples in software model checking [gennari:vstte:2018]
- The meaning of memory safety [azevedo:post:2018]
- Large teams have developed science and technology; small teams have disrupted it [wu:arxiv:2017]
- A segmented memory model for symbolic execution [kapus:fse:2019]
- Rethinking pointer reasoning in symbolic execution [coppa:ase:2017]
- Safe systems programming in Rust: The promise and the challenge [jung:cacm:2021]
- Swarm verification techniques [holzmann:ieeetse:2011]
- Swarm testing [groce:issta:2012]
- Chopped symbolic execution [trabish:icse:2018]
- Scaling symbolic execution using ranged analysis [siddiqui:oopsla:2012]
- A synergistic approach for distributed symbolic execution using test ranges [qiu:icse:2017]
- Efficient state merging in symbolic execution [kuznetsov:pldi:2012]
- Sanity checks in formal verification [kupferman:concur:2006]
- Evaluating manual intervention to address the challenges of bug finding with KLEE [galea:arxiv:2018]
- Finding code that explodes under symbolic evaluation [bornholt:oopsla:2018]
- As we may think [bush:atlantic:1945]
- Modern code review: A case study at Google [sadowski:icse-seip:2018]
- Lessons from building static analysis tools at Google [sadowski:cacm:2018]
- Large-scale automated refactoring using ClangMR [wright:icsm:2013]
- Tricorder: Building a program analysis ecosystem [sadowski:icse:2015]
- Why Google stores billions of lines of code in a single repository [potvin:cacm:2016]
- API usability at scale [macvean:ppig:2016]
- Spanner: Google's globally distributed database [corbett:tocs:2013]
- Extended static checking: A ten-year perspective [leino:informatics:2001]
- QuickCheck: A lightweight tool for random testing of Haskell programs [claessen:icfp:2000]
- Parameterized unit tests [tillmann:fse:2005]
- Feedback-directed unit test generation for C/C++ using concolic execution [garg:icse:2013]
- Study of integrating random and symbolic testing for object-oriented software [dimjasevic:ifm:2018]
- FUDGE: Fuzz driver generation at scale [babic:fse:2019]
- DeepState: Symbolic unit testing for C and C++ [goodman:ndss:2018]
- Locating defects is uncertain [zeller:bugs:2005]
- Soundness and its role in bug detection systems [xie:bugs:2005]
- The soundness of bugs is what matters (position statement) [godefroid:bugs:2005]
- Issues in deploying software defect detection tools [cok:bugs:2005]
- False positives over time: A problem in deploying static analysis tools [chou:bugs:2005]
- The human in formal methods [krishnamurthi:fm:2019]
- Relational test tables: A practical specification language for evolution and security [weigl:arxiv:2019]
- COASTAL: Combining concolic and fuzzing for Java (competition contribution) [visser:tacas:2020]
- SUSHI: A test generator for programs with complex structured inputs [braione:icse:2018]
- STARS: Rise and fall of minicomputers [scanning our past] [bell:procieee:2014]
- Bell's law for the birth and death of computer classes [bell:cacm:2008]
- Software model checking [jhala:compsurv:2009]
- Boolean satisfiability from theoretical hardness to practical success [malik:cacm:2009]
- Test-case reduction via test-case generation: Insights from the Hypothesis reducer [maciver:ecoop:2020]
- Model checking: Algorithmic verification and debugging [clarke:cacm:2009]
- Enhancing symbolic execution with veritesting [avgerinos:icse:2014]
- Code-level model checking in the software development workflow [chong:icse:2020]
- An empirical study of the reliability of UNIX utilities [miller:cacm:1990]
- Selective symbolic execution [chipounov:hotdep:2009]
- The art, science, and engineering of fuzzing: A survey [manes:ieeetse:2019]
- Fuzzing: Hack, art, and science [godefroid:cacm:2020]
- Symbolic execution for software testing: Three decades later [cadar:cacm:2013]
- A survey of symbolic execution techniques [baldoni:compsurv:2018]
- Fuzzing: On the exponential cost of vulnerability discovery [bohme2:fse:2020]
- An introduction to test specification in FQL [holzer:hvc:2010]
- FShell: Systematic test case generation for dynamic analysis and measurement [holzer:cav:2008]
- Satisfiability modulo theories: Introduction and applications [demoura:cacm:2011]
- Software verification: Testing vs. model checking [beyer:hvc:2017]
- TestCov: Robust test-suite execution and coverage measurement [beyer:ase:2019]
- Boosting fuzzer efficiency: An information theoretic perspective [bohme:fse:2020]
- Model checking [mcmillan:ecs:2003]
- Verification of safety functions implemented in Rust: A symbolic execution based approach [lindner:indin:2019]
- No panic! Verification of Rust programs by symbolic execution [lindner:indin:2018]
- Simple verification of Rust programs via functional purification [ullrich:msc:2016]
- RustHorn: CHC-based verification for Rust programs [matsushita:esop:2020]
- Benchmarking solvers, SAT-style [nyxbrain:sc2:2017]
- Fractional permissions without the fractions [heule:ftfjp:2011]
- StkTokens: Enforcing well-bracketed control flow and stack encapsulation using linear capabilities [skorstengaard:popl:2019]
- Dafny: An automatic program verifier for functional correctness [leino:lpair:2010]
- The Boogie verification debugger [legoues:sefm:2011]
- The ramifications of sharing in data structures [hobor:popl:2013]
- Developing verified programs with Dafny [leino:icse:2013]
- Reasoning about a machine with local capabilities [skorstengaard:esop:2018]
- Specified blocks [hehner:vstte:2008]
- Local reasoning about while-loops [tuerk:vstte:2010]
- Verifying event-driven programs using ramified frame properties [krishnaswami:tldi:2010]
- Specification and verification: The Spec# experience [barnett:cacm:2011]
- Separation logic and abstraction [parkinson:popl:2005]
- Verification of concurrent programs with Chalice [leino:fosad:2007]
- Compositional shape analysis by means of bi-abduction [calcagno:popl:2009]
- Smallfoot: Modular automatic assertion checking with separation logic [berdine:fmco:2005]
- Symbolic execution with separation logic [berdine:aplas:2005]
- Implicit dynamic frames: Combining dynamic frames and separation logic [smans:ecoop:2009]
- Lightweight support for magic wands in an automatic verifier [schwerhoff:ecoop:2015]
- Software verification with VeriFast: Industrial case studies [philippaerts:scp:2014]
- Viper: A verification infrastructure for permission-based reasoning [muller:vmcai:2016]
- Leveraging Rust types for modular specification and verification [astrauskas:oopsla:2019]
- VeriFast: A powerful, sound, predictable, fast verifier for C and Java [jacobs:nfm:2011]
- seL4: from general purpose to a proof of information flow enforcement [murray:secpriv:2013]
- Permission accounting in separation logic [bornat:popl:2005]
- Separation logic [ohearn:cacm:2019]
- Separation logic: a logic for shared mutable data structures [reynolds:lics:2002]
- A solver for reachability modulo theories [lal:cav:2012]
- Sound formal verification of Linux's USB BP keyboard driver [penninckx:nfm:2012]
- VeriFast: Imperative programs as proofs [jacobs:vstte:2010]
- Annotation inference for separation logic based verifiers [vogels:fmoods:2011]
- Stacked borrows: An aliasing model for Rust [jung:popl:2020]
- The case for writing a kernel in Rust [levy:apsys:2017]
- Verifying Rust programs with SMACK [baranowski:atva:2018]
- Crust: A bounded verifier for Rust [toman:ase:2015]
- A type system for expressive security policies [walker:popl:2000]
- RustBelt: Securing the foundations of the Rust programming language [jung:popl:2017]
- Alias types [smith:esop:2000]
- TALx86: A realistic typed assembly language [morrisett:wcsss:1999]
- End-to-end verification of information flow security for C and assembly programs [costanzo:pldi:2016]
- A precise yet efficient memory model for C [cohen:entcs:2009]
- Frama-C: A software analysis perspective [cuoq:sefm:2012]
- CertiKOS: An extensible architecture for building certified concurrent OS Kernels [gu:osdi:2016]
- Formal verification of a memory allocation module of Contiki with Frama-C: a case study [mangano:crisis:2016]
- überSpark: Enforcing verifiable object abstractions for automated compositional security analysis of a hypervisor [vasudevan:usenix:2016]
- Combining mechanized proofs and model-based testing in the formal analysis of a hypervisor [becker:fm:2016]
- -Overify: Optimizing programs for fast verification [wagner:hotos:2013]
- A lightweight symbolic virtual machine for solver-aided host languages [torlak:pldi:2014]
- An abstract interpretation framework for refactoring with application to extract methods with contracts [cousot:oopsla:2012]
- Komodo: Using verification to disentangle secure-enclave hardware from software [ferraiuolo:sosp:2017]
- Attacking, repairing, and verifying SecVisor: A retrospective on the security of a hypervisor [franklin:cmu:2008]
- SecVisor: A tiny hypervisor to provide lifetime kernel code integrity for commodity OSes [seshadri:sosp:2007]
- Verifying security invariants in ExpressOS [mai:asplos:2013]
- Boogie: A modular reusable verifier for object-oriented programs [barnett:fmco:2005]
- The existence of refinement mappings [abadi:tcs:1991]
- SpaceSearch: A library for building and verifying solver-aided tools [weitz:icfp:2017]
- Boost the impact of continuous formal verification in industry [monteiro:arxiv:2019]
- Multi-prover verification of C programs [filliatre:fem:2004]
- Scaling symbolic evaluation for automated verification of systems code with Serval [nelson:sosp:2019]
- Scalable translation validation of unverified legacy OS code [tahat:fmcad:2019]
- Noninterference, transitivity, and channel-control security policies [rushby:sri:1992]
- Secure information flow by self composition [barthe:csfw:2004]
- SMACK: Decoupling source language details from verifier implementations [rakamaric:cav:2014]
- Local verification of global invariants in concurrent programs [cohen:cav:2010]
- A hardware design language for timing-sensitive information flow security [zhang:asplos:2015]
- Complete information flow tracking from the gates up [tiwari:asplos:2009]
- The Flask security architecture: System support for diverse security policies [spencer:security:1999]
- On the foundations of quantitative information flow [smith:fossacs:2009]
- Theoretical analysis of gate level information flow tracking [oberg:dac:2010]
- Secure autonomous cyber-physical systems through verifiable information flow control [liu:cpsspc:2018]
- Verifying the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor with VCC [leinenbach:fm:2009]
- SecChisel: Language and tool for practical and scalable security verification of security-aware hardware architectures [deng:hasp:2019]
- Verifying constant-time implementations [almeida:security:2016]
- Interposition agents: transparently interposing user code at the system interface [jones:sosp:1993]
- Units: Cool modules for HOT languages [flatt:pldi:1998]
- A structured TCP in Standard ML [biagioni:sigcomm:1994]
- The Flux OSKit: A substrate for kernel and language research [ford:sosp:1997]
Backlog of papers to summarize
- Souper: A Synthesizing Superoptimizer [sasnauskas:arxiv:2018]
- Solving Exists/Forall Problems With Yices [dutertre:smt:2015]
- Specification and Verification of Side-channel Security for Open-source Processors via Leakage Contracts [wang:sigsac:2023]
- Security Verification via Automatic Hardware-Aware Exploit Synthesis: The CheckMate Approach [trippel:micro:2019]
- Full-Stack Memory Model Verification with TriCheck [trippel:micro:2018]
- TriCheck: Memory Model Verification at the Trisection of Software, Hardware, and ISA [trippel:asplos:2017]
- Directed Proof Generation for Machine Code [thakur:cav:2010]
- Revizor: testing black-box CPUs against speculation contracts [oleksenko:asplos:2022]
- Valgrind: A Program Supervision Framework [nethercote:rv:2003]
- Swivel: Hardening WebAssembly against Spectre [narayan:sec:2021]
- Axiomatic hardware-software contracts for security [mosier:isca:2022]
- Spectre Attacks: Exploiting Speculative Execution [kocher:sandp:2019]
- Jakstab: A Static Analysis Platform for Binaries [kinder:cav:2008]
- The Gates of Time: Improving Cache Attacks with Transient Execution [katzman:sec:2023]
- Synthesizing Formal Models of Hardware from RTL for Efficient Verification of Memory Model Implementations [hsiao:micro:2021]
- Static Analysis of Memory Models for SMT Encodings [haas:oopsla:2023]
- Automatic Detection of Speculative Execution Combinations [fabian:ccs:2022]
- Computing with time: microarchitectural weird machines [evtyushkin:asplos:2021]
- Weird Machines, Exploitability, and Provable Unexploitability [dullien:tetc:2020]
- SoK: Practical Foundations for Software Spectre Defenses [cauligi:sandp:2022]
- Constant-time foundations for the new spectre era [cauligi:pldi:2020]
- On Subnormal Floating Point and Abnormal Timing [andrysco:sandp:2015]
- A Comprehensive Survey on the Non-Invasive Passive Side-Channel Analysis [socha:sensors:2022]
- Covering all the bases: Type-based verification of test input generators [zhou:pldi:2023]
- Synthesizing MILP constraints for efficient and robust optimization [wang:pldi:2023]
- Obtaining information leakage bounds via approximate model counting [saha:pldi:2023]
- Fuzzing loop optimizations in compilers for C++ and data-parallel languages [livinskii:pldi:2023]
- VMSL: A separation logic for mechanised robust safety of virtual machines communicating above FF-A [liu:pldi:2023]
- CryptOpt: Verified compilation with randomized program search for cryptographic primitives [kuepper:pldi:2023]
- Indexed streams: A formal intermediate representation for fused contraction programs [kovach:pldi:2023]
- Don't look UB: Exposing sanitizer-eliding compiler optimizations [isemann:pldi:2023]
- Absynthe: Abstract interpretation-guided synthesis [guria:pldi:2023]
- CommCSL: Proving information flow security for concurrent programs using abstract commutativity [eilers:pldi:2023]
- An automata-based framework for verification and bug hunting in quantum circuits [chen:pldi:2023]
- Better defunctionalization through lambda set specialization [brandon:pldi:2023]
- Mosaic: An interoperable compiler for tensor algebra [bansal:pldi:2023]
- Efficient parallel functional programming with effects [arora:pldi:2023]
- Modular hardware design with timeline types [rachit:pldi:2023]
- Modular Hardware Design with Timeline Types [nigam:pldi:2023]
- Noninterference specifications for secure systems [nelson:osr:2020]
- Better together: Unifying datalog and equality saturation [zhang:pldi:2023]
- egg: Fast and extensible equality saturation [willsey:popl:2021]
- Rewrite rule inference using equality saturation [willsey:oopsla:2021]
- Vectorization for digital signal processors via equality saturation [vanhattum:asplos:2021]
- Equality saturation: A new approach to optimization [tate:popl:2009]
- Pure tensor program rewriting via access patterns (representation pearl) [smith:maps:2021]
- Synthesizing structured CAD models with equality saturation and inverse transformations [nandi:pldi:2020]
- Small proofs from congruence closure [flatt:fmcad:2022]
- Microkernels meet recursive virtual machines [ford:sosp:1996]
- A2: Analog malicious hardware [yang:sandp:2016]
- GSTE is partitioned model checking [sebastiani:cav:2004]
- Flip Feng Shui: Hammering a needle in the software stack [razavi:usenix:2016]
- UCLID5: Multi-modal formal modeling, verification, and synthesis [polgreen:cav:2022]
- RTLcheck: Verifying the memory consistency of RTL designs [manerkar:micro:2017]
- SoK: Design tools for side-channel-aware implementations [buhan:ccs:2022]
- Revisiting capacitor-based Trojan design [bidmeshki:iccd:2019]
- Stealthy dopant-level hardware Trojans [becker:ches:2013]
- ZSim: Fast and accurate microarchitectural simulation of thousand-core systems [sanchez:isca:2013]
- Zsim: A fast architectural simulator for ISA design-space exploration [lifshitz:wish:2011]
- Specification of Intel IA-32 using an architecture description language [bastian:adl:2005]
- Raising binaries to LLVM IR with MCTOLL (WIP paper) [yadavalli:lctes:2019]
- BitBlaze: A new approach to computer security via binary analysis [song:iciss:2008]
- The New Jersey machine-code toolkit [ramsey:usenix:1995]
- N-version disassembly: Differential testing of x86 disassemblers [paleari:issta:2010]
- Pin: Building customized program analysis tools with dynamic instrumentation [luk:pldi:2005]
- Reverse-engineering instruction encodings [hsieh:usenix:2001]
- Lifting assembly to intermediate representation: A novel approach leveraging compilers [hasabnis:asplos:2016]
- Rev.Ng: A unified binary analysis framework to recover CFGs and function boundaries [difederico:cc:2017]
- Reverse interpretation + mutation analysis = automatic retargeting [collberg:pldi:1997]
- An in-depth analysis of disassembly on full-scale x86/x64 binaries [andriesse:usenix:2016]
- A compiler-level intermediate representation based binary analysis and rewriting system [anand:eurosys:2013]
- BinRec: Dynamic binary lifting and recompilation [altinay:eurosys:2020]
- Verified just-in-time compiler on x86 [myreen:popl:2010]
- A verified runtime for a verified theorem prover [myreen:itp:2011]
- Hoare logic for ARM machine code [myreen:fse:2007]
- Dataflow-based pruning for speeding up superoptimization [mukherjee:oopsla:2020]
- Randomised testing of a microprocessor model using SMT-solver state generation [campbell:fmics:2014]
- Dependent ML An approach to practical programming with dependent types [xi:jfp:2007]
- CHERI: A hybrid capability-system architecture for scalable software compartmentalization [watson:sandp:2015]
- Formal verification of a multiprocessor hypervisor on Arm relaxed memory hardware [tao:sosp:2021]
- A new verified compiler backend for CakeML [tan:icfp:2016]
- Program verification in the presence of cached address translation [syeda:itp:2018]
- ARMv8-A system semantics: Instruction fetch in relaxed architectures [simner:pls:2020]
- x86-TSO: A rigorous and usable programmer's model for x86 multiprocessors [sewell:cacm:2010]
- CompCertTSO: A verified compiler for relaxed-memory concurrency [sevcik:jacm:2013]
- Liquid types [rondon:pldi:2008]
- Simplifying ARM concurrency: Multicopy-atomic axiomatic and operational models for ARMv8 [pulte:popl:2017]
- Valgrind: A framework for heavyweight dynamic binary instrumentation [nethercote:pldi:2007]
- Lem: Reusable engineering of real-world semantics [mulligan:icfp:2014]
- TSL: A system for generating abstract interpreters and its application to machine-code analysis [lim:toplas:2013]
- Formally verified memory protection for a commodity multiprocessor hypervisor [li:usenix:2021]
- Coq: The world's best macro assembler? [kennedy:ppdp:2013]
- Towards verified faithful simulation [joloboff:dsetta:2015]
- High-level separation logic for low-level code [jensen:popl:2013]
- Verified compilation of CakeML to multiple machine-code targets [fox:cpp:2017]
- Mixed-size concurrency: ARM, POWER, C/C++11, and SC [flur:popl:2017]
- Automatically generating instruction selectors using declarative machine descriptions [dias:popl:2010]
- Extracting behaviour from an executable instruction set model [campbell:fmcad:2016]
- BAP: A binary analysis platform [brumley:cav:2011]
- A high assurance virtualization platform for ARMv8 [baumann:eucnc:2016]
- Isla: Integrating full-scale ISA semantics and axiomatic concurrency models [armstrong:cav:2021]
- Certified complexity (CerCo) [amadio:fpara:2014]
- Automatic generation and validation of instruction encoders and decoders [xu:cav:2021]
- Design of a symbolically executable embedded hypervisor [nordholz:eurosys:2020]
- Proving LTL properties of bitvector programs and decompiled binaries (extended) [liu:arxiv:2021]
- Towards verified binary raising [hendrix:itp:2019]
- Verifying x86 instruction implementations [goel:cpp:2020]
- Balancing automation and control for formal verification of microprocessors [goel:cav:2021]
- Scalable validation of binary lifters [dasgupta:pldi:2020]
- Formal verification of pipelined Y86-64 microprocessors with UCLID5 [bryant:cmu:2018]
- Vale: Verifying high-performance cryptographic assembly code [bond:usenix:2017]
- Engineering with logic: Rigorous test-oracle specification and validation for TCP/IP and the sockets API [bishop:jacm:2019]
- Rigging the lottery: Making all tickets winners [evci:arxiv:2021]
- Motivation for and evaluation of the first tensor processing unit [jouppi:micro:2018]
- TimeWarp: Rethinking timekeeping and performance monitoring mechanisms to mitigate side-channel attacks [martin:isca:2012]
- Product programs in the wild: Retrofitting program verifiers to check information flow security [marco:cav:2021]
- The tail at scale [dean:cacm:2013]
- Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture [bauereiss:ucam:2021]
- The dogged pursuit of bug-free C programs: The Frama-C software analysis platform [baudin:cacm:2021]
- Integration verification across software and hardware for a simple embedded system [erbsen:pldi:2021]
- The role of formalism in system requirements [bruel:compsurv:2021]
- Demystifying attestation in Intel Trust Domain Extensions via formal verification [sardar:access:2021]
- Evaluating large language models trained on code [chen:arxiv:2021]
- Modular specification and verification of closures in Rust (draft paper) [wolff:draft:2021]
- Static automated program repair for heap properties [vantonder:icse:2018]
- Uncovering the hidden dangers: Finding unsafe Go code in the wild [lauinger:trustcom:2020]
- Complete type inference for simple objects [wand:lics:1987]
- A safe interface to sockets [reppy:att:1996]
- Type checking records and variants in a natural extension of ML [remy:popl:1989]
- Faking it: Simulating dependent types in Haskell [mcbride:jfp:2002]
- Calling hell from heaven and heaven from hell [finne:icfp:1999]
- Type extension through polymorphism [burton:toplas:1990]
- No-longer-foreign: Teaching an ML compiler to speak C "natively" [blume:babel:2001]
- Reticle: A virtual machine for programming modern FPGAs [vega:pldi:2021]
- RefinedC: Automating the foundational verification of C code with refined ownership types [sammler:pldi:2021]
- Beyond the elementary representations of program invariants over algebraic data types [kostyukov:pldi:2021]
- K-induction without unrolling [gurfinkel:fmcad:2017]
- How do committees invent [conway:datamation:1968]
- Editor's note: How to write research articles in computing and engineering disciplines [stojmenovic:tpds:2010]
- FuzzFactory: Domain-specific fuzzing with waypoints [padhye:oopsla:2019]
- Semantic fuzzing with Zest [padhye:issta:2019]
- Alive2: Bounded translation validation for LLVM [lopes:pldi:2021]
- Why don't software developers use static analysis tools to find bugs? [johnson:icse:2013]
- Examiner: Automatically locating inconsistent instructions between real devices and CPU emulators for Arm [jiang:arxiv:2021]
- Efficient sampling of SAT solutions for testing [dutra:icse:2018]
- The Rust language [matsakis:hilt:2014]
- Ownership types for flexible alias protection [clarke:oopsla:1998]
- You can't spell trust without Rust [beingessner:msc:2015]
- Towards optimization-safe systems: Analyzing the impact of undefined behavior [wang:sosp:2013]
- SoK: Eternal war in memory [szekeres:sandp:2013]
- Send hardest problems my way: Probabilistic path prioritization for hybrid fuzzing [zhao:ndss:2019]
- Memoized symbolic execution [yang:issta:2012]
- Relocatable addressing model for symbolic execution [trabish:issta:2020]
- Checking safety properties using induction and a SAT-solver [sheeran:fmcad:2000]
- Zero-overhead path prediction with progressive symbolic execution [rutledge:icse:2019]
- Bug synthesis: Challenging bug-finding tools with deep faults [roy:fse:2018]
- Hybrid concolic testing [majumdar:icse:2007]
- Just fuzz it: Solving floating-point constraints using coverage-Guided fuzzing [liew:fse:2019]
- A secure and formally verified Linux KVM hypervisor [li:sandp:2021]
- On symbolic execution of decompiled programs [korencik:qrs:2020]
- Automated behavioral regression testing [jin:icst:2010]
- Micro execution [godefroid:icse:2014]
- Program state abstraction for feedback-driven fuzz testing using likely invariants [fioraldi:arxiv:2020]
- Binsec/Rel: Efficient relational symbolic execution for constant-time at binary-level [daniel:sandp:2020]
- Coz: Finding code that counts with causal profiling [curtsinger:cacm:2018]
- Inception: System-wide security testing of real-world embedded systems software [corteggiani:usenix:2018]
- Symbiotic 8: Beyond symbolic execution [chalupa:tacas:2021]
- Running symbolic execution forever [busse:issta:2020]
- Countermeasures optimization in multiple fault-injection context [boespflug:fdtc:2020]
- Model checking of C and C++ with DIVINE 4 [baranova:atva:2017]
- Systematic comparison of symbolic execution systems: Intermediate representation and its generation [poeplau:acsac:2019]
- EXE: Automatically Generating Inputs of Death [cadar:tiss:2008]
- Accurate, efficient, and adaptive calling context profiling [zhuang:pldi:2006]
- Symbolic partial-order execution for testing multi-threaded programs [schemmel:cav:2020]
- Get rid of inline assembly through verification-oriented lifting [recoules:ase:2019]
- Learning-based memory allocation for C++ server workloads [maas:asplos:2020]
- BHive: A benchmark suite and measurement framework for validating x86-64 basic block performance models [chen:iiswc:2019]
- Compositional may-must program analysis: Unleashing the power of alternation [godefroid:popl:2010]
- Scaling static analyses at Facebook [distefano:cacm:2019]
- Incorrectness logic [ohearn:popl:2019]
- Verifying software network functions with no verification expertise [zaostrovnykh:sosp:2019]
- Symbolic execution of multithreaded programs from arbitrary program contexts [bergan:oopsla:2014]
- Finding and understanding bugs in C compilers [yang:pldi:2011]
- CUTE: A concolic unit testing engine for C [sen:fse:2005]
- Differential symbolic execution [person:fse:2008]
- Sys: A static/symbolic tool for finding good bugs in good (browser) code [brown:sec:2020]
- How to build static checking systems using orders of magnitude less code [brown:asplos:2016]
- p4v: Practical verification for programmable data planes [liu:sigcomm:2018]
- Shape analysis for composite data structures [berdine:cav:2007]
- Verifying systems rules using rule-directed symbolic execution [cui:asplos:2013]
- Execution levels for aspect-oriented programming [tanter:aosd:2010]
- Interoperability-guided testing of QUIC implementations using symbolic execution [rath:epiq:2018]
- No crash, no exploit: Automated verification of embedded kernels [nicole:arxiv:2020]
- InSpectre: Breaking and fixing microarchitectural vulnerabilities by formal analysis [guanciale:ccs:2020]
- Specification of concretization and symbolization policies in symbolic execution [david:issta:2016]
- SymNav: Visually assisting symbolic execution [angelini:vizsec:2019]
- Symbolic memory with pointers [trtik:atva:2014]
- Unleashing Mayhem on binary code [cha:sandp:2012]
- Formulog: Datalog for SMT-based static analysis [bembenek:oopsla:2020]
- Region-based memory management [tofte:inco:1997]
- Exploiting mixed binaries [papaevripides:acmtps:2021]
- Region-based memory management in Cyclone [grossman:pldi:2002]
- Fidelius Charm: Isolating unsafe Rust code [almohri:codaspy:2018]
- Formal methods for privacy [tschantz:fm:2009]
- Mutation testing advances: An analysis and survey (chapter 6) [papadakis:advances:2019]
- An analysis and survey of the development of mutation testing [jia:ieeetse:2010]
- VRLifeTime - An IDE tool to avoid concurrency and memory bugs in Rust [zhang:ccs:2020]
- Memory-safety challenge considered solved? An in-depth study with all Rust CVEs [xu:arxiv:2021]
- Securing unsafe Rust programs with XRust [liu:icse:2020]
- Automatic heap layout manipulation for exploitation [heelan:sec:2018]
- Automatic generation of control flow hijacking exploits for software vulnerabilities [heelan:msc:2009]
- Extended support for borrowing and lifetimes in Prusti [gorse:msc:2020]
- Deductive program verification for a language with a Rust-like typing discipline type [Internship report] [denis:hal:2020]
- Verifying safe clients of unsafe code and trait implementations in Rust [beckmann:msc:2020]
- The Axiom profiler: Understanding and debugging SMT quantifier instantiations [becker:tacas:2019]
- Automatic exploit generation [avgerinos:cacm:2014]
- Learning Rust: How experienced programmers leverage resources to learn a new programming language [abtahi:chi:2020]
- Towards making formal methods normal: meeting developers where they are [reid:hatra:2020]
- Towards practical reactive security audit using extended static checkers [vanegue:sandp:2013]
- PG-KLEE: Trading soundness for coverage [rutledge:icse:2020]
- Methods for binary symbolic execution [romano:phd:2014]
- Deferred concretization in symbolic execution via fuzzing [pandey:issta:2019]
- Noninterference via symbolic execution [milushev:forte:2012]
- Symbolic execution with existential second-order constraints [mechtaev:fse:2018]
- Control flow obfuscation using neural network to fight concolic testing [ma:securecomm:2015]
- Boost symbolic execution using dynamic state merging and forking [zhang:apsec:2018]
- Using test ranges to improve symbolic execution [qiu:nfm:2018]
- Targeted program transformations for symbolic execution [cadar:fse:2015]
- Specification: The biggest bottleneck in formal methods and autonomy [rozier:vstte:2016]
- Hackers vs. testers: A comparison of software vulnerability discovery processes [votipka:sp:2018]
- Programmers are users too: Human-centered methods for improving programming tools [myers:computer:2016]
- PLIERS: A process that integrates user-centered methods into programming language design [coblenz:arxiv:2020]
- Gradual program verification [bader:vmcai:2018]
- LLVM: a compilation framework for lifelong program analysis and transformation [lattner:cgo:2004]
- Theseus: A state spill-free operating system [boos:plos:2017]
- SHErrLoc: A static holistic error locator [zhang:toplas:2017]
- The tip of the iceberg: On the merits of finding security bugs [alexopoulos:tps:2020]
- BP: Formal proofs, the fine print and side effects [murray:secdev:2018]
- Code coverage at Google [ivankovic:fse:2019]
- Testability of software components [freedman:tse:1991]
- The effect of certain modular design principles on testability [edwards:icrs:1975]
- Design for testability in object-oriented systems [binder:cacm:1994]
- Bigtable: A distributed storage system for structured data [chang:tocs:2012]
- On the origin of objects [smith:book:1996]
- Moving from the design of usable security technologies to the design of useful secure applications [smetters:nspw:2002]
- Usability evaluation with the cognitive walkthrough [rieman:chi:1995]
- Cognitive dimensions of information artefacts: a tutorial [green:tutorial:1998]
- Cognitive dimensions of notations [green:pandc:1990]
- A static analyzer for finding dynamic programming errors [bush:spe:2000]
- Using test case reduction and prioritization to improve symbolic execution [zhang:issta:2014]
- Specifying representations of machine instructions [ramsey:toplas:1997]
- Machine descriptions to build tools for embedded systems [ramsey:lctes:1998]
- Automatic checking of instruction specifications [fernandez:icse:1997]
- UQBT: Adaptable binary translation at low cost [cifuentes:computer:2000]
- Formal verification by symbolic evaluation of partially-ordered trajectories [segar:fmsd:1995]
- An introduction to symbolic trajectory evaluation [claessen:sfm:2006]
- A survey of computer hardware description languages in the U.S.A. [su:computer:1974]
- A PMS level notation for the description and simulation of digital systems [djordjevic:cj:1985]
- Simulation of a horizontal bit-sliced processor using the ISPS architecture simulation facility [dam:ieeetc:1981]
- Three decades of HDLs: Part I, CDL through TI-HDL [chu:ieeedtc:1992]
- Automated exploration of the design space for register transfer (RT) systems [barbacci:isca:1973]
- Instruction set processor specifications (ISPS): The notation and its applications [barbacci:ieeetc:1981]
- A comparison of register transfer languages for describing computers and digital systems [barbacci:ieeetc:1975]
- Programming at the Processor-Memory-Switch level [barbacci:icse:1988]
- Instruction set processor specifications for simulation, evaluation, and synthesis [barbacci:dac:1979]
- Using emulation to verify formal architecture descriptions [barbacci:computer:1978]
- Evaluation of the CFA test programs via formal computer descriptions [barbacci:computer:1977]
- PMS: A notation to describe computer structures [barbacci:computer:1973]
- An architectural research facility: ISP descriptions, simulation, data collection [barbacci:afips:1977]
- ISP: A notation to describe a computer's instruction sets [barbacci2:computer:1973]
- Superoptimizer: A look at the smallest program [massalin:asplos:1987]
- Computer structures: Readings and examples [bell:book:1971]
- Design and programming of embedded multiprocessors: An interface-centric approach [wolf:codes:2004]
- Polymorphic type inference for machine code [noonan:pldi:2016]
- Single-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architectures for multithreaded workload performance [kumar:isca:2004]
- Denali: A goal-directed superoptimizer [joshi:pldi:2002]
- Evaluating general purpose automated theorem proving systems [sutcliffe:ai:2001]
- Test-case reduction for C compiler bugs [regehr:pldi:2012]
- One test to rule them all [groce:issta:2017]
- LSCs: Breathing life into message sequence charts [damm:fmoods:1999]
- The temporal logic of programs [pnueli:sfcs:1977]
- Driller: Augmenting fuzzing through selective symbolic execution [stephens:ndss:2016]
- SoK: (state of) the art of war: Offensive techniques in binary analysis [shoshitaishvili:sp:2016]
- All you ever wanted to know about dynamic taint analysis and forward symbolic execution (but might have been afraid to ask) [schwartz:sp:2010]
- DART: Directed automated random testing [godefroid:pldi:2005]
- The S2E platform: Design, implementation, and applications [chipounov:tcs:2012]
- S2E: A platform for in-vivo multi-path analysis of software systems [chipounov:asplos:2011]
- Deconstructing dynamic symbolic execution [ball:dsse:2015]
- SMT proof checking using a logical framework [stump:fmsd:2013]
- Detecting critical bugs in SMT solvers using blackbox mutational fuzzing [mansur:arxiv:2020]
- Automated testing and debugging of SAT and QBF solvers [brummayer:sat:2010]
- Proofs in satisfiability modulo theories [barrett:mlf:2015]
- The CHERI capability model: Revisiting RISC in an age of risk [woodruff:isca:2014]
- Rigorous engineering for hardware security: Formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process [nienhuis:secpriv:2020]
- CIL: Intermediate language and tools for analysis and transformation of C programs [necula:cc:2002]
- The Rust programming language [klabnik:book:2018]
- Software verification with BLAST [henzinger:spin:2003]
- The BLAST query language for software verification [beyer:sas:2004]
- The software model checker BLAST: Applications to software engineering [beyer:ijsttt:2007]
- CPAchecker: A tool for configurable software verification [beyer:cav:2011]
- Automatic predicate abstraction of C programs [ball:pldi:2001]
- A tool for checking ANSI-C programs [clarke:tacas:2004]
- Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement [clarke:cav:2000]
- Proof-carrying code [necula:popl:1997]
- Reasoning about comprehensions with first-order SMT solvers [leino:sac:2009]
- Dynamic frames: Support for framing, dependencies and sharing without restrictions [kassios:fm:2006]
- Witnessing the elimination of magic wands [blom:ijsttt:2015]
- Behavioral interface specification languages [hatcliff:compsurv:2012]
- The Spec# programming system: Challenges and directions [barnett:vstte:2005]
- A reachability predicate for analyzing low-level software [chatterjee:tacas:2007]
- Assertion-based encapsulation, object invariants and simulations [naumann:fmco:2004]
- Rust distilled: An expressive tower of languages [weiss:arxiv:2018]
- Heap-dependent expressions in separation logic [smans:fmood:2010]
- Type-based decompilation (or program reconstruction via type reconstruction) [mycroft:esop:1999]
- Abstract read permissions: Fractional permissions without the fractions [heule:vmcai:2013]
- CIVL: the concurrency intermediate verification language [siegel:sc:2015]
- SeL4: Formal verification of an OS kernel [klein:sosp:2009]
- Views: Compositional reasoning for concurrent programs [dinsdale-young:popl:2013]
- A semantics for concurrent separation logic [brookes:tcs:2006]
- Resources, concurrency, and local reasoning [ohearn:tcs:2007]
- Specifying concurrent programs in separation logic: Morphisms and simulations [nanevski:oopsla:2019]
- Ynot: Dependent types for imperative programs [nanevski:icfp:2008]
- Existential types for imperative languages [grossman:esop:2002]
- Multiprogramming a 64kB computer safely and efficiently [levy:sosp:2017]
- Ownership is theft: Experiences building an embedded OS in Rust [levy:plos:2015]
- KRust: A formal executable semantics of Rust [wang:tase:2018]
- LLBMC: Bounded model checking of C and C++ programs using a compiler IR [merz:vstte:2012]
- The SeaHorn verification framework [gurfinkel:cav:2015]
- System programming in Rust: Beyond safety [balasubramanium:hotos:2017]
- Cogent: Verifying high-assurance file system implementations [amani:asplos:2016]
- A dependently typed assembly language [xi:icfp:2001]
- Alias types for recursive data structures [walker:tic:2001]
- Enforcing high-level protocols in low-level software [deline:pldi:2001]
- CSeq: a concurrency pre-processor for sequential C verification tools [fischer:ase:2013]
- Model checking boot code from AWS data centers [cook:cav:2018]
- Automated verification of a small hypervisor [alkassar:vstte:2010]
- A case study on formal verification of the Anaxagoros hypervisor paging system with Frama-C [blanchard:fmics:2015]
- Verification of TLB virtualization implemented in C [alkassar:vstte:2012]
- Design, implementation and verification of an extensible and modular hypervisor framework [vasudevan:secpriv:2013]
- Growing solver-aided languages with Rosette [torlak:onward:2013]
- A polymorphic intermediate verification language: Design and logical encoding [leino:tacas:2010]
- Testing noninterference, quickly [hritcu:icfp:2013]
- Static contract checking with abstract interpretation [fahndrich:foveoos:2010]
- Locking discipline inference and checking [ernst:icse:2016]
- Reliable and fast DWARF-based stack unwinding [bastian:oopsla:2019]
- Large-scale formal verification in practice: A process perspective [andronick:icse:2012]
- Virtualization: Issues, security threats, and solutions [pearce:compsurv:2013]
- Implementing an untrusted operating system on trusted hardware [lie:sosp:2003]
- Specifying and verifying hardware for tamper-resistant software [lie:secpri:2003]
- Safe to the last instruction: automated verification of a type-safe operating system [yang:pldi:2010]
- Practical verification for the working programmer with CodeContracts and abstract interpretation [logozzo:vmcai:2011]
- Applying source-code verification to a microkernel: the VFiasco project [hohmuth:sigops:2002]
- The VFiasco approach for a verified operating system [hohmuth:plos:2005]
- A framework for cooperating decision procedures [barrett:cade:2000]
- The Lean theorem prover (system description) [demoura:cade:2015]
- Machine code verification of a tiny ARM hypervisor [dam:trusted:2013]
- The Spec# programming system: An overview [barnett:cassis:2004]
- Establishing a refinement relation between binaries and abstract code [verbeek:fmmsd:2019]
- Push-button verification of file systems via crash refinement [sigurbjarnarson:osdi:2016]
- Hyperkernel: Push-button verification of an OS kernel [nelson:sosp:2017]
- RedLeaf: Towards an operating system for safe and verified firmware [narayanan:hotos:2019]
- Verified compilation on a verified processor [loow:pldi:2019]
- Powering the static driver verifier using Corral [lal:fse:2014]
- Machine assisted proof of ARMv7 instruction level isolation properties [khakpour:cpp:2013]
- Ironclad apps: End-to-end security via automated full-system verification [hawblitzel:osdi:2014]
- Why3 — where programs meet provers [filliatre:esop:2013]
- The Why/Krakatoa/Caduceus platform for deductive program verification [filliatre:cav:2007]
- Secure information flow verification with mutable dependent types [ferraiuolo:dac:2017]
- Verification of a practical hardware security architecture through static information flow analysis [ferraiuolo:asplos:2017]
- Z3: An efficient SMT solver [demoura:tacas:2008]
- Unifying type checking and property checking for low-level code [condit:popl:2009]
- The last mile: An empirical study of timing channels on seL4 [cock:ccs:2014]
- Making information flow explicit in HiStar [zeldovich:osdi:2006]
- Observational determinism for concurrent program security [zdancewic:csfw:2003]
- Robust declassification [zdancewic:csfw:2001]
- Crafting a usable microkernel, processor, and I/O system with strict and provable information flow security [tiwari:isca:2011]
- Execution leases: A hardware-supported mechanism for enforcing strong non-interference [tiwari:isca:2009]
- Nickel: A framework for design and verification of information flow control systems [sigurbjarnarson:osdi:2018]
- Declassification: Dimensions and principles [sabelfield:jcs:2009]
- Enforcing robust declassification [myers:csfw:2004]
- Preserving information flow properties under refinement [mantel:sp:2001]
- Controlling the what and where of declassification in language-based security [mantel:pls:2007]
- Information flow control for standard OS abstractions [krohn:sosp:2007]
- Unwinding and inference control [goguen:secpriv:1984]
- Security policies and security models [goguen:secpriv:1982]
- HyperFlow: A processor architecture for nonmalleable, timing-safe information flow security [ferraiuolo:ccs:2018]
- Labels and event processes in the Asbestos operating system [efstathopoulos:sosp:2005]
- A lattice model of secure information flow [denning:cacm:1976]
- Hyperproperties [clarkson:jcs:2010]
- Provably secure compilation of side-channel countermeasures. [barthe:iacr:2007]
- LISA – machine description language and generic machine model for HW/SW co-design [zivojnovic:vlsi:1996]
- Integrating memory consistency models with instruction-level abstraction for heterogeneous system-on-chip verification [zhang:fmcad:2018]
- Formal modeling and verification of microprocessors [windley:ieeetoc:1995]
- Automatically comparing memory consistency models [wickerson:popl:2017]
- EXOCHI: architecture and programming environment for a heterogeneous multi-core multithreaded system [wang:pldi:2007]
- Continuation-based multiprocessing [wand:lfp:1980]
- Why events are a bad idea (for high-concurrency servers) [vonbehren:hotos:2003]
- Formal verification of superscalar microprocessors with multicycle functional units, exception, and branch prediction [velev:dac:2000]
- Active libraries: Rethinking the roles of compilers and libraries [veldhuizen:oo:1998]
- VIS speeds new media processing [tremblay:micro:1996]
- Teleport messaging for distributed stream programs [thies:ppopp:2005]
- A practical approach to exploiting coarse-grained pipeline parallelism in C programs [thies:micro:2007]
- CLKSCREW: Exposing the perils of security-oblivious energy management [tang:sec:2017]
- IEEE standard for SystemVerilog - Unified hardware design, specification, and verification language [systemverilog:ieee:2013]
- Exploiting task and data parallelism on a multicomputer [subhlok:ppopp:1993]
- Processor memory system verification using DOGReL: a language for specifying end-to-end properties [stewart:difts:2014]
- Decoupled access/execute computer architectures [smith:tocs:1984]
- A flexible formal verification framework for industrial scale validation [slobodova:memocode:2011]
- A comparative study of SYCL, OpenCL, and OpenMP [silva:sbac:2016]
- ARM Architecture Reference Manual (ARMv5 edition) [seal:book:2000]
- Automatic derivation of platform noninterference properties [schwarz:sefm:2016]
- Integrated semantics of intermediate-language C and macro-assembler for pervasive formal verification of operating systems and hypervisors from VerisoftXT [schmaltz:vstte:2012]
- A machine description facility for compiler testing [samet:ieeetse:1977]
- The CRAY-1 computer system [russell:cacm:1978]
- Formally verified big step semantics out of x86-64 binaries [roessle:cpp:2019]
- Software foundations [pierce:book:2016]
- MMX technology extension to the Intel architecture [peleg:micro:1996]
- PDP-11/45 processor handbook [pdp11:book:1973]
- The case for the reduced instruction set computer [patterson:sigarch:1980]
- Reduced instruction set computers [patterson:cacm:1985]
- Decoupling integer execution in superscalar processors [palacharla:micro:1995]
- Why threads are a bad idea (for most purposes) (Invited talk) [ousterhout:usenix:1996]
- Abstractions from tests [naik:popl:2012]
- Processor description languages [mishra:book:2008]
- A theory of type polymorphism in programming [milner:jcss:1978]
- Verification of an implementation of Tomasulo's algorithm by compositional model checking [mcmillan:cav:1998]
- Spectre is here to stay: An analysis of side-channels and speculative execution [mcilroy:arxiv:2019]
- Easy approach to requirements syntax (EARS) [mavin:isre:2009]
- Vx86: x86 assembler simulated in C powered by automated theorem proving [maus:amast:2008]
- Quantifying information flow [lowe:csfw:2015]
- Meltdown [lipp:arxiv:2018]
- Memory coherence in shared virtual memory systems [li:tocs:1989]
- Subword parallelism with MAX-2 [lee:micro:1996]
- On the duality of operating system structures [lauer:osr:1979]
- DAG inlining: A decision procedure for reachability-modulo-theories in hierarchical programs [lal:pldi:2015]
- Automated formal verification of processors based on architectural models [kuhne:fmcad:2010]
- Proving the correctness of pipelined micro-architectures [kroening:itg:2000]
- Automated pipeline design [kroening:dac:2001]
- Scalable vector media processors for embedded systems [kozyrakis:phd:2002]
- Differential power analysis [kocher:crypto:1999]
- Spectre attacks: Exploiting speculative execution [kocher:arxiv:2018]
- Symbolic trajectory evaluation: The primary validation vehicle for next generation Intel processor graphics FPU [kirankumar:fmcad:2012]
- Flipping bits in memory without accessing them: An experimental study of DRAM disturbance errors [kim:isca:2014]
- Towards a new model of abstraction in software engineering [kiczales:iwoos:1991]
- An industrial strength theorem prover for a logic based on Common Lisp [kaufmann:ieeetse:1997]
- Replacing testing with formal verification in Intel Core i7 processor execution engine validation [kaivola:cav:2009]
- Playing by the rules: rewriting as a practical optimisation technique in GHC [jones:microsoft:2001]
- CRL: High-performance all-software distributed shared memory [johnson:osr:1995]
- Microarchitecture verification by compositional model checking [jhala:cav:2001]
- Alloy: A lightweight object modelling notation [jackson:tosem:2002]
- Verifying the FM9801 microarchitecture [hunt:micro:1999]
- Microprocessor design verification [hunt:jar:1989]
- Computer architecture: A quantitative approach (Fifth edition) [hennessy:book:2011]
- An annotation language for optimizing software libraries [guyer:dsl:1999]
- A retrospective on `MIPS: A microprocessor architecture' [gross:micro:2016]
- Introduction to HOL: A Theorem Proving Environment for Higher Order Logic [gordon:book:1993]
- A stream compiler for communication-exposed architectures [gordon:asplos:2002]
- A survey of microarchitectural timing attacks and countermeasures on contemporary hardware [ge:jce:2016]
- The nesC language: A holistic approach to networked embedded systems [gay:pldi:2003]
- Model checking early requirements specifications in Tropos [fuxman:isre:2001]
- DynAlloy: Upgrading Alloy with Actions [frias:icse:2005]
- Formal verification of the ARM6 micro-architecture [fox:ucam:2002]
- Very high-speed computing systems [flynn:ieeeproc:1966]
- Very long instruction word architectures and the ELI-512 [fisher:isca:1983]
- Describing instruction set processors using nML [fauth:edtc:1995]
- Protothreads: Simplifying Event-driven Programming of Memory-constrained Embedded Systems [dunkels:enss:2006]
- Compiler support for exploiting coarse-grained pipelined parallelism. [du:sc:2003]
- Using continuations to implement thread management and communication in operating systems [draves:sosp:1991]
- Automatically partitioning packet processing applications for pipelined architectures [dai:pldi:2005]
- Event-driven programming for robust software [dabek:sigops:2002]
- Constructions: A higher order proof system for mechanizing mathematics [coquand:eurocal:1985]
- Design of a separable transition-diagram compiler [conway:cacm:1963]
- Design and synthesis of synchronization skeletons using branching-time temporal logic [clarke:wlop:1982]
- Quantitative analysis of the leakage of confidential data [clark:entcs:2002]
- Specifying the semantics of machine instructions [cifuentes:iwpc:1998]
- Translating formal software specifications to natural language / A grammar-based approach [burke:lacl:2005]
- Revisiting the sequential programming model for multi-core [bridges:micro:2007]
- Experience with embedding hardware description languages in HOL [boulton:tpcd:1993]
- A trusted mechanised JavaScript specification [bodin:popl:2014]
- Vector models for data-parallel computing [blelloch:book:1990]
- Implementing remote procedure calls [birrell:tocs:1984]
- The effectiveness of decoupling [bird:sc:1993]
- An approach to systems verification [bevier:jar:1989]
- The Midway distributed shared memory system [bershad:cmpcon:1993]
- Hardware is the new software [baumann:hotos:2017]
- Secure information flow by self-composition [barthe:mscs:2011]
- CVC4 [barrett:cav:2011]
- Vector microprocessors [asanovic:phd:1998]
- A survey of asynchronous remote procedure calls [ananda:osr:1992]
- A methodology for large-scale hardware verification [aagaard:fmcad:2000]
- Solver aided reverse engineering of architectural features [zorn:iscawddd:2017]
- Automatic refinement checking of pipelines with out-of-order execution [srinivasan:ieeetoc:2010]
- Certification of an instruction set simulator [shi:phd:2013]
- A data driven approach for algebraic loop invariants [sharma:pls:2013]
- Data-driven equivalence checking [sharma:oopsla:2012]
- Translation validation for a verified OS kernel [sewell:pldi:2013]
- The semantics of x86-CC multiprocessor machine code [sarkar:popl:2009]
- Understanding POWER multiprocessors [sarkar:pldi:2011]
- Automatically proving the correctness of translations involving optimized code. [samet:phd:1975]
- Deriving abstract transfer functions for analyzing embedded software [regehr:lctes:2006]
- Translation validation [pnueli:tacas:1998]
- Isabelle/HOL: A proof assistant for higher-order logic [nipkow:book:2002]
- Boolector 2.0 [niemetz:jsat:2015]
- Translation validation for an optimizing compiler [necula:pldi:2000]
- Verified LISP Implementations on ARM, x86 and PowerPC [myreen:tphols:2009]
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- RockSalt: Better, faster, stronger SFI for the x86 [morrisett:pldi:2012]
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- Machine code verification of a tiny ARM hypervisor [dam:ted:2013]
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- Automatic verification of pipelined microprocessor control [burch:cav:1994]
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- Herding cats: Modelling, simulation, testing, and data mining for weak memory [alglave:toplas:2014]
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- SoC-C: efficient programming abstractions for heterogeneous multicore systems on chip [reid:cases:2008]
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- Design and implementation of turbo decoders for software defined radio [lin:sips:2006]
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- Standard libraries for the Haskell 98 programming language [jones:hasklib:1999]
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- The state of Sail [armstrong:spisa:2019]
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- Detailed models of instruction set architectures: From pseudocode to formal semantics [armstrong:arw:2018]
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