QSYM: A practical concolic execution engine tailored for hybrid fuzzing

Insu Yun, Sangho Lee, Meng Xu, Yeongjin Jang, Taesoo Kim
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Read: 13 June 2021

Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium (Security)
Baltimore, MD
August 2018
Note(s): symbolic execution, concolic execution, DARPA CGC, Driller verifier, AFL fuzzer, Fuzz testing, Hybrid testing, Dynamic binary translation
Papers: poeplau:usenix:2020

QSYM significantly improves the performance of concolic execution of binaries to support hybrid testing (a form of fuzz testing). The key ideas (based on a detailed examination of all the usual design choices and their problems) are

  1. Instead of tracking dependencies using taint-tracking at a basic block level, it tracks dependencies at the instruction level.

  2. To relax the requirement of strict soundness because that is not so important in the context of hybrid fuzzing because the fuzzer will discard any incorrect solutions.

    They can skip compute-intensive code and crypto code. For this, they use an exponential back-off by only executing blocks that have been executed ‘2^N’ times for some ‘N’. This prevents very hot blocks from swamping the symbolic execution. (But then they relax that restriction a little using context-sensitivity and something else.)

    And they can significantly prune the number of constraints being solved for: only considering the constraints applying to the last branch in the execution path instead of all branches on the path. Again, this works fine with hybrid fuzzing: solving one more constraint lets the fuzzer make progress.

  3. The performance improvements allow them to skip state snapshotting because re-execution is sufficiently fast. (poeplau:usenix:2020 exploits the same observation.) This is especially important for hybrid fuzzing which has lower locality which reduces reuse of snapshots. Finally, it is not possible to snapshot any external state such as the filesystem anyway.

  4. Avoid using an intermediate representation such as VEX or LLVM-IR because converting binary to IR and back to binary causes significant increase in the number of instructions and because IR-caching interferes with more important optimizations.

QSYM uses dynamic binary translation to identify the instructions that need to be symbolically executed.

QSYM has a Python API that is used to control/extend execution.

QSYM found a bunch of new CVEs, the AFL+QSYM combo achieves significantly higher coverage than AFL by itself, it does better than Driller, and it is faster.

The whole paper has lots of references/discussion of both symbolic execution tools and fuzz testing tools: really useful!

QSYM verifier