ISA specification

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Notes: instruction set architecture, ASL, ISPS, L3, LISA, Sail language, SLED, CPU verification, translation validation, weak memory

Specifications of instruction set architectures.

Arm architecture, Arm Architecture Specification Language (ASL), Binary analysis, Binary lifter, BinRec binary lifter, Capstone disassembler, CPU verification, Dagger binary lifter, Instruction set architecture, Instruction Set Processor (ISP), L3 specification language, LISA, LLVM-MCtoLL binary lifter, McSema binary lifter, QEMU, Remill binary lifting library, reopt binary lifter, reverse engineering tool, Sail ISA specification language, Specification language for encoding and decoding (SLED), TCG (Tiny Code Generator) intermediate representation, zydis x86 decoder/disassembler library

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  • Improved tool support for machine-code decompilation in HOL4 [fox:itps:2015]
  • Formal specification and verification of ARM6 [fox:tphols:2003]
  • End-to-end formal verification of a RISC-V processor extended with capability pointers [gao:fmcad:2021]
  • Automated synthesis of symbolic instruction encodings from I/O samples [godefroid:pldi:2012]
  • Abstract stobjs and their application to ISA modeling [goel:acl2:2013]
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