The fallacy of spec-based design

Rahul Bhatt, Dave LaFollette, Arjun Kapur
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Read: 20 December 2021

First International Conference onSoftware Engineering and Formal Methods, 2003.Proceedings.
Pages 156-162
Sep. 2003
Note(s): ISA specification, Intel, Itanium architecture
Papers: reid:fmcad:2016

Describes a process similar to the later reid:fmcad:2016 of using the official ISA specification of a processor directly as a reference model for processor validation as well as for documentation. This was developed during the design of Intel’s Itanium architecture and then maintained as the architecture evolved. The architecture specification was subject to a strict review policy.

The language was “C-like” (I think this means a subset of C) and covered the instruction behaviour. Non-instruction behaviour such as page table walks was handled by function calls to code provided by the simulator. (In comparision, the Arm specification described in reid:fmcad:2016 includes non-instruction behaviour.) The complete tool (excluding supporting libraries like disassembly, instruction decode and FP) is 475,000 lines and the generated code (from the spec) is 40,000 lines of that. The remainder models load address tables, register stacks, bus and memory; adds a machine-code debugger (breakpoints, etc.), and other UI; adds the IA-32 simulator (around 100,000 lines), etc. It appears that all function calls in the specification are to simulator code so instruction specs get a bit cluttered due to not having an abstraction mechanism.

When used for processor validation, the generated code is modified (subclassed) to model the implementation specific behaviour including any undefined behaviour. Optional behaviour in the spec such as writing FP values to uncached memory is not included in the spec so that is handled the same way.

It seems that the transformation from the C-like code to executable code for use in the simulator performs no significant translation/transformation leading to problems such as name clashes between names used in the spec and names used elsewhere in the simulation tool. These are dealt with by manually modifying the generated code which leads to problems when the specification is changed and the code has to be regenerated.

The paper identifies reasons for these shortcomings

  • An expectation that the architecture would evolve by (only) adding new instructions lead to a flow where manual modification of generated code seemed reasonable.

  • The style of the specification and the relatively shallow optimization lead to performance problems in the simulator. *[I suspect that this was also because the instructions and the supporting functions are written in different languages - preventing optimization across the boundary.](

  • Specifying only instruction behaviour made for difficult debug experience since different debugging tools were needed for debugging instructions and for everything else.

  • Supporting implementation defined and undefined behaviour is easy but it is done by writing code in C/C++ instead of the spec language which diminishes the value of the spec. [I suspect that the need to be able to mix the two languages in this way makes it harder to add optimizations during the translation process.]

  • Support for other uses such as test generation, performance modelling, checkers, etc. was provided by adding a (necessarily) stable callback API around calls from the instructions into the hand-written parts of the simulator. For example, test generators needed to rewind and replay instructions. It seems that this grew significantly in time. [I would regard this as a partial success: all these different uses indicate that the spec was valuable.]

Overall, the paper reports that there were some benefits but they are disappointed with the cost and that there was not more benefit.

[I believe that most of the issues were due to the approach they took. e.g., a shallow transformation process from spec to simulator, limiting the spec to only the instruction behaviour, using a process that included manual modification of machine-generated code, having just one execution model in mind during development and not anticipating the multiple uses of the spec and supporting their needs (e.g., callbacks) in their simulator generation tool.]

Itanium architecture