SV-COMP is an annual competition between automated software verification tools that has been running since 2012.
The competition is useful for getting an overview of the main software verification tools.
The winners in 2020 were:
- CPAchecker
- UAutomizer
- PeSCo (a fork of CPAchecker)
Notes related to Software Verification Competition (SV-COMP)
Absence of RunTime Errors (AoRTE), BLAST verifier, Cactus plot / Survival plot, CPAchecker verifier, Extended static checking (ESC), FShell Query Language (FQL), Software Testing Competition (Test-Comp)
Papers related to Software Verification Competition (SV-COMP)
- CPAchecker: A tool for configurable software verification [beyer:cav:2011]
- Software verification: Testing vs. model checking [beyer:hvc:2017]
- The software model checker BLAST: Applications to software engineering [beyer:ijsttt:2007]
- Executable counterexamples in software model checking [gennari:vstte:2018]
- FShell: Systematic test case generation for dynamic analysis and measurement [holzer:cav:2008]
- COASTAL: Combining concolic and fuzzing for Java (competition contribution) [visser:tacas:2020]