FQL is a query language for describing code coverage criteria. It consists of
- structural constraints specified as path automata
- quality constraints such as
- block coverage
- condition coverage
- predicate coverage
The syntax of FQL is defined in holzer:hvc:2010. An FQL spec has the form
in G cover C passing P
- “in G” and “passing P” are optional
- G is a filter functon
- “@FUNC(
)" ("@CALL" in later work) - “@CONDITIONEDGE” (“@DECISIONEDGE” in later work)
- C is a coverage specification
- A regexp like syntax
- line specifications @4, @7, etc.
- conditions “{ x == 42 }”, etc.
- wildcards “ID”
- quoted regexps
- Normal regexp syntax: “.”, “”, “+”, “^” and “$” (“” can only occur inside quotes)
- Which are used in
- edges using “EDGES(regex)”
- nodes (i.e., statements) using “NODES(regex)”
- paths using “PATHS(T, k)” where “T” is a filter function and “k” is a bound on how many times “T” appears.
- A regexp like syntax
- P is a “passing clause”: a path pattern that every test case must satisfy
- For example, “^NOT(@CALL(unimplemented))*$”
- For example, “^(ID.{x >= 0})*$” specifies tests where x never becomes negative.
The syntax “in @FUNC(foo) cover EDGES(@DEF(x))” is equivalent to “cover EDGES(COMPOSE(@DEF(x), @FUNC(foo)))”.
- ”->” == “.ID*”
Notes related to FShell Query Language (FQL)
Software Verification Competition (SV-COMP), Software Testing Competition (Test-Comp)
Papers related to FShell Query Language (FQL)
- TestCov: Robust test-suite execution and coverage measurement [beyer:ase:2019]
- Software verification: Testing vs. model checking [beyer:hvc:2017]
- FShell: Systematic test case generation for dynamic analysis and measurement [holzer:cav:2008]
- An introduction to test specification in FQL [holzer:hvc:2010]