Executable counterexamples in software model checking

Jeffrey Gennari, Arie Gurfinkel, Temesghen Kahsai, Jorge A. Navas, Edward J. Schwartz
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Read: 17 April 2021

Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and Experiments
Springer International Publishing
Pages 17-37
Note(s): SeaHorn verifier, Test double, SV competition, Horn clause

Argues that counterexamples from software model checking (SMC) should take the form of executable mock environments that can be linked with the code under analysis (CUA). These mock environments are a simple form of test double that implement each external function with a function that returns a sequence of values to steer the CUA towards failure.

One of the main problems in generating the counterexample is that the SMC may have used simplification and optimization techniques that changed the code a lot. They only need that they can extract the number of iterations of loops. This allows loops to be unrolled so that the CFG is acyclic. (i.e., it turns it into a BMC problem). A “Directed Symbolic Execution” (DirSE) step transforms the counterexample on the optimized code into a counterexample on the original program. It starts by showing that the error is still reachable. The overall approach is quite general but it is not necessary with BMC and dynamic symbolic execution that can already generate counterexamples.

They evaluate their implementation in SeaHorn on the Linux Driver Verification benchmarks from SV-COMP. They can solve around half the problems and generate counterexamples for almost all of them. (Almost because their SMC uses unbounded integers while their BMC uses bit-vectors so they get a few mismatches.)

There seems to be a limitation in the handling of external functions that return pointers: the pointers returned are often dereferenced further and this is not modeled well. This problem seems to be more to do with using a simplistic model of external functions than to do with their counterexample generation.