How to improve the RISC-V specification
My main project is to create an executable spec of the Intel Architecture
but, every now and then, I get to take a broader look at ISA specifications
and think about the strengths and weaknesses of other ISA specs:
what makes them work well; and what techniques they could borrow
from other specifications.
Earlier this month, someone asked me for my thoughts on the RISC-V
specification and I thought that it would be useful to share
what I found out.
This post is about the RISC-V specification. This specification effectively consists of several different parts each an essential part of defining the RISC-V architecture. The most obvious part of the specification are RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, volume 1 and RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, volume 2: PDF documents that describe the unprivileged and privileged parts of the architecture. If you are developing a RISC-V processor, you will probably make heavy use of the RISC-V Test Suites to check that your processor correctly implements the architecture. And you will probably be using the Sail RISC-V model as a formal specification of the architecture and using Pydrofoil to execute the Sail spec as a “golden reference simulator” to compare the behavior of your processor against. (And, if you are on the bleeding edge, you might also be using the Sail spec in a formal verification flow similar to ISA-Formal [reid:cav:2016].) And you may still be using Spike RISC-V ISA Simulator which was the original “golden reference model” because some ISA extensions still aren’t specified in Sail.
[This post was edited on 28th April and 1 May to clarify what I said about the Sail spec and the status of the Spike simulator.]
What’s wrong with this picture?
Overall, the specification is not in a very healthy state.
The two PDF documents rely heavily on natural language text in the specification with the result that the description is not always very precise and it is impossible to test the descriptions to determine whether they match the other artifacts.
A common complaint about the test suites is that the RISC-V architecture is very highly configurable with many subsets and implementation choices allowed but the test suites are not easily configured to check the full envelope of allowed behaviors. Some of these issues stems from the challenge of creating a machine-readable description of which particular configuration you intended to build. (This also limits the ability to use Spike as a golden reference model.) If you intend to build something outside the range of configurations that Spike and the test suite support, you will end up with a large number of “waivers” documenting the places where your processor is expected to fail the tests.
Finally, there is the Sail model written in the Sail ISA specification language. This is a precise, executable, formal specification of the architecture but it is not used as much as it should be. Ideally, parts of the Sail specification would be included in the official PDF documents so that the Sail code can add the precision that the natural language spec lacks and the natural language specification can make up for the almost total absence of comments in the Sail specification.
Connecting the pieces: machine-readable formats
The most important problem is that these four artifacts seem to be completely disconnected from each other. They are maintained as four separate codebases in four separate repositories and no part of one artifact is generated from part of any other artifact. If you are writing an architecture extension, you have to write the same thing four times in four separate formats and then you have to use testing and review to check that all four copies are the same.
But worse than this, there is a whole ecosystem around RISC-V who will also be writing code in response to your architecture extension. There are hardware designers, hardware validation teams, developers of software tools (such as assemblers, compilers and JITs), OS hackers and debugger developers, etc. that are all going to have to write some code to support or benefit from any architecture extension. They also have to write all this code by hand and then review and test the code to make it consistent with the official spec.
It is worth noting that most architecture extensions evolve between the first design and the final, ratified design: evaluating that design requires tool support; socializing and reviewing the design requires documentation. So each extension is typically implemented many times and each revision requires updates in many places.
The easiest way to improve this would be to capture as much of the architecture as possible in formats that are easy to read and manipulate. In particular, instruction encodings and control/status registers are easily described by simple JSON/YAML/XML/… formats. It doesn’t take long to figure out what data you need to include to support generation of many different artifacts from such files:
- The name and a short description (for generating documentaton).
- The size, bitfields, fixed bits, etc.
- For registers, there will be a numeric id that is used to identify the register.
- What constraints are there on using the instruction or register? Is it usable in hypervisor mode? supervisor mode? usermode?
- For register fields, is the field readable? is it writable? what is its reset value? what is the meaning of different values that this field can have?
- For instructions, what is the assembly syntax? (See Bidirectional ARM Assembly Syntax Specifications)
- Which configurations support each entry, field or value?
I’ve probably missed a few important pieces of information but you get the idea.
Of course, creating this easy-to-use, highly-reusable machine readable spec is just the first part. To make a difference, you have to modify the architecture reference manual, the Spike simulator, the testsuite and the Sail specification to use this data. You have to find every part of these artifacts that currently contains information about instructions or CSRs and refactor them around code that is automatically generated from the json/yaml/xml file. Doing this is critical to making it equally possible to auto-generate code for any new architecture extensions.
And, as that is being done, people should be looking at the extended ecosystem of build tools, libraries, OSes, etc. to autogenerate as much of them as possible from the machine readable data files.
Making Sail easier for non-PL people to read
A complaint that I often hear about the Sail specification is that it is a bit inaccessible for normal users. The Sail language design builds on a number of popular academic languages and programming language research ideas such as the OCaml Functional Programming Language, Liquid types, Monads, and Effect Systems. The challenge with drawing on these different sources is that the primary audience for the specification is not programming language (PL) researchers but people who work on hardware design, hardware validation, OS developers, compiler developers, etc. — many of whom are not familiar with the academic programming language literature and are confused and put off by the syntax of Sail. To illustrate this, consider the following Sail example from early in the Sail reference manual:
val my_replicate_bits : forall 'n 'm, 'm >= 1 & 'n >= 1. (int('n), bits('m)) -> bits('n * 'm)
If you are not familiar with OCaml and liquid types, some questions that
you might ask are “What are the quote marks for in 'm
and 'n
?” and
“What does forall 'n 'm
There are a range of improvements that can be made here from changing the syntax to applying sensible defaults to reduce the amount of clutter from the type system. (Ideally, this would be done by adopting some of the syntax of the ASL-1.0 ISA specification language which has many of the same features but was designed with more focus on use in documentation.)
Counter-intuitively, the success of Sail is a barrier to improving this situation. If radical changes are made, people may be concerned that there has been a change in the meaning of the specification, not just its appearance.
[For clarity, note that I am not suggesting that Liquid types, etc. are removed from the language: only that the syntax is simplified and decluttered in the common case.]
Including Sail in the documentation
The other problem with the Sail specification is more fundamental but also easier to solve: the Sail spec is not included in the architecture manual. The easiest option would be to include the entire spec as a giant appendix at the back of the document. But much better would to put each part of the Sail spec on the same page as the natural language description of the same feature so that the Sail spec can amplify your understanding of the natural language spec and the natural language spec can help you understand the Sail spec.
The frustrating thing here is that this actually a solved problem. The tools to pick out snippets of LaTeX to use in docs has existed for a long time, and there has been a version of the unpriv spec with instruction semantics properly interleaved since 2019.
An even better integration of Sail, in my opinion, is the way that the Sail instruction specs are integrated into the CHERI ISAv9 spec (e.g., see page 176). This reduces a lot of the clutter and looks a lot more like normal ISA specs.
[Note: With RISC-V switching from LaTeX to ASCIIdoc, the tool you would probably want to use is the Sail-to-ASCIIdoc tool.]
Using Sail in tools
Why do we have two executable parts to the specification: the Sail specification and the Spike golden reference simulator? The historical reasons for this are clear but it would be good if Spike support for future extensions was generated from their Sail specification.
This will take a bit of work to do. Mostly, this will consist of defining the interface that code generated from the Sail specs uses to access parts of the state that are represented in Spike.
The RISC-V architecture was developed in classic startup/academic style: innovating quickly and avoiding too much investment in long-term engineering. This has resulted in the current situation where the architecture specification is, in effect, scattered over four different artifacts and each downstream tool/library/application has to transcribe information from those sources instead of being able to use architect-provided machine-readable formats to generate the code instead.
This was not too big a problem for the original base architecture of just 47 instructions and 32 registers but there have been many RISC-V ISA extensions added since then.
This post was discussed on Hacker News.
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The opinions expressed are my own views and not my employer's.