The Haskell 98 Foreign Function Interface 1.0 - An Addendum to the Haskell 98 Report

Manuel Chakravarty, Sigbjorn Finne, Fergus Henderson, Marcin Kowalczyk, Daan Leijen, Simon Marlow, Erik Meijer, Sven Panne, Simon Peyton Jones, Alastair Reid, Malcolm Wallace, Michael Weber

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First page of paper


@article{report:haskellffi:chakravarty2003 , ar_file = {Haskell_FFI} , ar_shortname = {Haskell FFI} , author = { Manuel Chakravarty and Sigbjorn Finne and Fergus Henderson and Marcin Kowalczyk and Daan Leijen and Simon Marlow and Erik Meijer and Sven Panne and Simon Peyton Jones and Alastair Reid and Malcolm Wallace and Michael Weber } , file = {ffi.pdf} , link = {\textasciitilde chak/haskell/ffi/} , png = {ffi.png} , title = {{T}he {H}askell 98 {F}oreign {F}unction {I}nterface 1.0: {A}n {A}ddendum to the {H}askell 98 {R}eport} , url = {\textasciitilde chak/haskell/ffi/} , year = {2003} }