Designing Data Structures
Alastair Reid
University of Glasgow
Proceedings of the 1989 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming
Workshops in Computing
Fraserburgh, Scotland, UK
August 1989
The design (as opposed to the choice and use) of data structures has
been the subject of relatively little study in the context of formal methods.
In this paper, we introduce our ideas on how data structures are designed.
, abstract = {
The design (as opposed to the choice and use) of data structures has
been the subject of relatively little study in the context of formal methods.
In this paper, we introduce our ideas on how data structures are designed.}
, affiliation = {University of Glasgow}
, ar_file = {GFPW_89}
, ar_shortname = {GFPW 89}
, author = {Alastair Reid}
, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1989 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming}
, day = {21-23}
, editor = {Kei Davis and
John Hughes}
, file = {designing.pdf}
, location = {Fraserburgh, Scotland, UK}
, month = {August}
, pages = {170--181}
, png = {designing.png}
, publisher = {Springer}
, series = {Workshops in Computing}
, title = {{D}esigning {D}ata {S}tructures}
, year = {1989}