Handling Exceptions in Haskell

Alastair Reid
Yale University

Yale University Research Report YALE/DCS/RR-1178
New Haven, CT, USA
August 1998


Using a language without exception handling is like driving a car with no brakes and no seatbelt — things work fine until something goes wrong. You also learn to drive rather carefully. This paper describes an exception handling extension to the Haskell lazy functional language. The implementation turned out to be very easy but we had problems finding a viable semantics for our system. The resulting semantics is a compromise between theoretical beauty and practical utility.

First page of paper


@inproceedings{Reid98exceptions , abstract = { Using a language without exception handling is like driving a car with no brakes and no seatbelt --- things work fine until something goes wrong. You also learn to drive rather carefully. This paper describes an exception handling extension to the Haskell lazy functional language. The implementation turned out to be very easy but we had problems finding a viable semantics for our system. The resulting semantics is a compromise between theoretical beauty and practical utility. } , affiliation = {Yale University} , ar_file = {Exceptions} , ar_shortname = {Exceptions} , author = {Alastair Reid} , booktitle = {Yale University Research Report YALE/DCS/RR-1178} , file = {exceptions98.pdf} , location = {New Haven, CT, USA} , month = {August} , png = {exceptions98.png} , title = {{H}andling {E}xceptions in {H}askell} , year = {1998} }