Automatic Rust verification tools (2021)
Last year, I wrote a summary of all the Rust verification tools
that I knew about.
But formal verification of Rust is a fast-changing field so I took advantage
of all the experts at the 2021 Rust Verification Workshop
to make an up to date list of tools.
This post focuses on the automatic verification tools.
[If you know of any tools that should be added or you want to correct the description of a tool, please suggest a change by email or on twitter or by changing the edit mode of the RVT list to “suggesting” and making the change.]
Organization and limitations
My own research project focuses on tools that that are easily used by mainstream Rust developers. In our paper “Towards making formal methods normal: meeting developers where they are”, we talked about the benefits of tools that build on the experience that developers already have and the advantages of specialized tools. So, in this survey, I am going to try to start with the tools that best fit that vision even if they achieve this accessibility by not catching all bugs.
I will try to mention all verification tools that I know about but any tools or projects that seem to be dead or inactive will just get a brief mention. Please let me know if I have got it wrong. On a related note: I am mostly relying on the authors’ descriptions of their own tools so this list will not be strictly in order of increasing complexity. And, of course, complexity is subjective and influenced by what you are already familiar with.
Finally, it’s worth saying that software verification is such a mature field that simple taxonomies don’t really work because many tools use a hybrid approach to reasoning about code. They may primarily use one technique but borrow ideas from some other technique to fix some weakness in the primary technique. Nevertheless, I have tried to group tools by (my best understanding of) the primary technique that they rely on to give some structure to this list and some insight into what their relative strengths and weaknesses are.
Linters and static analyses
The best camera is the one that’s with you – Chase Jarvis (2009)
Although my focus is mostly on tools developed by the formal verification community, it is worth mentioning that most bugs are caught by the Rust typesystem, the borrow-checker, the ‘linter’ clippy and rust analyzer. These give immediate feedback in your editor or when you build your code and linters can be built into the CI process so that anyone reviewing your code can see whether your code introduced any new warning messages. Teams at both Google and Facebook have found that feedback during the CI process can be highly effective [sadowski:cacm:2018, distefano:cacm:2019].
At the Rust verification workshop, I learned that it is actually quite easy to write your own lint check and integrate it into the compiler because the compiler has a flexible plugin mechanism that makes it easy to extend. So, if you find that you and the people you work with are often making the same mistake or you want to migrate your code away from bad programming practices [wright:icsm:2013] or you have a favourite static analysis that you want to apply to Rust, then it is fairly easy to do so. See Niko Matsaki’s presentation / video or read the linter section of the rustc-dev book.
Instrumented interpreters
The Miri instrumented Rust interpreter executes your program while checking very carefully for Undefined Behaviour (UB) and includes enforcement of the Stacked-Borrows aliasing model [jung:popl:2020]. Miri stands out as being one of the few tools that you can use to check that an ‘unsafe’ block is actually obeying the Rust safety rules so, if you are using ‘unsafe’ in your code, you really should be using Miri.
Compared with formal verification tools, the weakness of Miri is that it executes your code in much the same way as it would normally run (just with extra checks and a bit slower), it is up to you to figure out what input values to test with. The huge strength of formal verification tools is that they consider all input values including the weird corner cases that you might otherwise forget to test with.
While on the subject of tools that execute your code rather than doing some form of static check, I should mention the concurrency checkers Loom which focuses on exhaustive checking and Shuttle which focuses on randomized checking. These are important because, although Rust encourages use of concurrency by making it easy and data-race free to write concurrent programs, most formal verification tools for Rust do not support concurrency (yet).
Dynamic symbolic execution
Turning to tools from the formal verification community, I think that the easiest tools to use are dynamic symbolic execution tools. What makes these tools easy to use is that they can be thought of as more powerful variants of techniques and tools that developers are already familiar with: testing and fuzz-testing. In fact, Godefroid describes tools like this as “whitebox fuzzing” [godefroid:acmq:2012] because of the way that they choose input values to test with based on a deep analysis of the code.
Like an instrumented interpreter, a dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) tool explores paths through your program. The difference is that you do not have to create test values to test with: DSE automatically identifies viable paths through your program and reasons about all possible values that could follow that same path.
DSE has two main weaknesses
Path explosion: The number of paths through a program can be (and often is) exponential in the size of the program so, unless you analyse your program in small pieces, you cannot check all possible paths through your program. To handle this, DSE tools are often run with a timeout.
Loops: In general DSE cannot show that a loop will always behave correctly: it only checks some of the possible executions of a loop.
As a result of this, DSE tools are usually used as very effective bug-finding tools rather than proof tools. Since DSE tools can only consider a sample of all possible paths through a program in a limited amount of time, they typically have ways of biasing the sample to focus on “interesting” paths, maximizing code coverage, etc.
The main DSE tools for Rust are
RVT converts Rust to LLVM-IR and uses the KLEE DSE tool to check. RVT has a particular focus on scaling, handling the full range of Rust features, etc. RVT also provides a proptest-compatible DSL for creating verification harnesses that can also be used with a fuzzer so you can use your verification harnesses as fuzzing harnesses and vice-versa. (See my earlier post “Rust testing or verifying: why not both”.)
Cargo-KLEE also converts Rust to LLVM-IR and uses KLEE. This project focuses more on embedded systems where it is more feasible to explore all paths through the code. [lindner:indin:2018, lindner:indin:2019]
Seer a MIR-based symbolic execution tool (inactive)
KLEE Rust provides KLEE bindings for Rust (inactive)
Given that DSE is like fuzzing, there has been work on hybrid tools that combine symbolic execution with fuzzing (e.g., [yun:usenix:2018]). Unfortunately, I don’t know of any for Rust yet. This is a shame because I think that it would be a really useful.
Bounded model checkers
Another relatively easy to use class of verification tools is bounded model checkers (BMC). While a DSE tool explores paths in a more or less depth-first manner1, a BMC tool explores paths in a breadth-first manner: exploring all possible execution paths that can occur in the first iteration of a loop before considering the execution paths of the second iteration.
The advantage of BMC is that this gives some partial guarantees about your code: if there is no way for a loop to fail within the first few iterations, then maybe the code cannot fail? The larger this bound ‘k’, the more confidence you can have in your code. And, if the loop is bounded and you explore enough iterations, then you can prove that the loop is correct.
BMC has three main weaknesses
Loops: like DSE, it cannot show that a loop will always behave correctly: it only checks up to some loop bound ‘k’.
External calls: if your program makes an external call such as invoking an external library or an operating system call then it cannot reason about that piece of code unless you create a specification of that external call or your BMC tool can perform BMC on your OS (not likely).
Problem paths: if one branch of a conditional has some feature that the tool does not support (e.g., external calls or inline assembly code), then a BMC tool typically cannot reason about the conditional at all. In contrast, DSE can skip the problem branch and explore the other branch.
The main BMC tools for Rust are
Rust Model Checker (RMC) converts Rust’s MIR intermediate language to CBMC’s intermediate representation. (CBMC is a mature, well-supported bounded model checker that supports several languages including C and Verilog.)
SMACK converts MIR to Microsoft Research’s Boogie Intermediate Verification Language providing access to a range of different verification tools.
SeaHorn is verification tool based on the LLVM intermediate representation. Interestingly, SeaHorn has several different modes of operation including bounded model checking. The RVT tools include support for verifying with SeaHorn as an alternative to KLEE.
Crux-MIR converts MIR to Galois’ SAW representation and performs an adaptive form of BMC that automatically determines the bound ‘k’ on how many iterations of a loop to consider.
CRUST (inactive)
Abstract interpreters
Instrumented interpreters, Dynamic Symbolic Execution tools (DSE) and Bounded Model Checkers (BMC) reason about loops one iteration at a time. If your program has an infinite loop (e.g., server code), they cannot explore all iterations and, if your program has a loop with a large number of iterations then it may take the tool a very long time to finish.
Abstract interpreters avoid this limitation by (very roughly) exploring a few iterations of the loop and then calculating the effect of executing the remaining iterations using something analogous to loop invariants. (For a more technical and precise description, see the Wikipedia page.)
They can also avoid the exponential growth in the number of paths seen in DSEs and they can handle external function calls by asking the user to provide a “function summary” for each external call.
The main weaknesses of abstract interpreters are
Abstract interpreters can typically only reason about properties of a certain form. For example, for an integer, they may reason about the range of an integer but be unable to reason about whether an integer is odd/even or a multiple of 10 or a prime number. Or, they may be able to reason about the relationship between two variables but not three variables. (e.g., “a <= b + 10” but not “a <= b + c”) So they may work really well on some code and quite badly on other code.
The more different that a tool’s operation is from directly executing code, the less precise the analysis gets and the harder it is to handle some language features. e.g., if the interpreter cannot accurately resolve what functions a function pointer could point to, then they will struggle with code that calls that function pointer. Instrumented interpreters, DSE, etc. have less problem resolving function pointers because they are more concrete.
The main abstract interpreters for Rust are
MIRAI is a hybrid tool that combines abstract interpretation and dynamic symbolic execution that can find whether a program can panic and can also track the flow of data through a program. It handles function calls by constructing “function summaries” on demand: allowing modular verification.
SeaHorn can exploit abstract interpretation for verification as an alternative to bounded model checking. Although the RVT tools include support for verifying with SeaHorn they have not been tested with SeaHorn’s abstract interpretation.
Verification tools written in Rust
Haybale is a DSE kit for LLVM-IR written in Rust. Unlike most verification tools, this is more of a library that you can use to build a wide variety of tools rather than a finished tool - a very interesting design choice that I am keen to explore. AFAIK, there is no description of how to use Haybale to verify Rust but I know that it has been used to analyze parts of the Tock embedded OS.
[StateRight][] is an Embedded Domain Specific Language (EDSL) that lets you describe what you want to verify.
What is the best automatic tool?
This depends on two things: what you are trying to do; and how complex your code is.
In general, the higher the level of assurance that you want to achieve, the simpler and smaller your code has to be. If you want to show that your program precisely implements a specification, you might not be able to handle more advanced/dynamic features like traits and closures or more complex interactions like calls to C/C++ code. Or you might have to put in extra work like writing function contracts to split the task into smaller parts.
Instrumented interpretation and dynamic symbolic execution give the weakest guarantees but the tools generally handle more of the language with less difficulty.
BMC and abstract interpretation give stronger guarantees but the tools tend to be more restricted although this will improve a bit as the tools mature.
The only tool that I have used myself is the tool that I work on myself but, from talking to others, I think the tools to consider using are Miri, RVT/KLEE, RMC and MIRAI. If you are doing something specialized like developing crypto code, you should also look at Crux-MIR.
To be more accurate, only the very simplest DSE would explore paths in pure depth-first order. As DSE executes, it tends to have hundreds or thousands of paths to explore and most DSE tools have a bunch of heuristics and controls for deciding which path to execute and for how long. Nevertheless, between these context switches, DSE executes each path in the same depth-first order that at an interpreter would execute it. ↩
The opinions expressed are my own views and not my employer's.