Chopped symbolic execution

David Trabish, Andrea Mattavelli, Noam Rinetzky, Cristian Cadar
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Read: 25 February 2021

Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering
ICSE '18
Gothenburg, Sweden
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, USA
Pages 350-360
Note(s): symbolic execution, KLEE verifier, case splitting, verification performance, verifier performance

This adds a form of lazy evaluation to symbolic execution: deferring execution of code until the analysis actually needs it.

Chopped symbolic execution uses

  • A static pointer analysis to identify potential dependencies of the symbolic state on the deferred code so that the code can be executed when it is actually needed. (Whole program, flow/context-insensitive, field-sensitive points-to analysis.)
  • A snapshot of the state just before the deferred code
  • Accesses to dependencies trigger execution of the deferred code
  • A list of “guiding constraints”: constraints added to the path condition since after the deferred code. These are added to filter out invalid executions.
  • Static program slicing of the deferred code is used to limit execution to instructions that write to the dependencies. (The ‘static’ slicing appears to take place just before the deferred code is symbolically executed.)
  • A recovery cache avoids some need to execute the deferred code multiple times. (I think there is some tension between this and slicing?)

[This seems to have all the elements one would expect in lazy evaluation: capturing the closure, creating thunks, using updates to avoid executing thunks multiple times.]


  • Deferring execution interferes with the search heuristics so deferred code can be scheduled with some low probability.
  • There is a limitation involving symbolic addresses caused by the need to be able to watch for accesses to dependencies.
  • Implemented as an extension to the KLEE verifier.
  • Requires user to identify functions to be skipped.
  • Evaluation
    • All comparisons are with an unmodified KLEE, not other approaches: goal is to understand impact on symbolic execution.
    • GNU libtasn1 (ASN.1 parsing library) with a focus on four CVEs.
      • Improvements are dramatic 10x or more.
      • The methodology for choosing what functions to skip seems to depend on knowing something about the CVEs???
    • Testsuite augmentation for BC, LibYAML, GNU oSIP.
      • Goal is to improve on KLEE.
      • Skip any functions whose descendents have adequate coverage.
      • Decent improvement in coverage (up to double).

Verifier performance