Souper: A Synthesizing Superoptimizer

Raimondas Sasnauskas, Yang Chen, Peter Collingbourne, Jeroen Ketema, Gratian Lup, Jubi Taneja, John Regehr
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arXiv 1711.04422 id=\textquotesingle cs.PL\textquotesingle full\_name=\textquotesingle Programming Languages\textquotesingle is\_active=True alt\_name=None in\_archive=\textquotesingle cs\textquotesingle is\_general=False description=\textquotesingle Covers programming language semantics, language features, programming approaches (such as object-oriented programming, functional programming, logic programming). Also includes material on compilers oriented towards programming languages; other material on compilers may be more appropriate in Architecture (AR). Roughly includes material in ACM Subject Classes D.1 and D.3.\textquotesingle