This large (21 pages, 240 references) survey of fuzz testing proposes a taxonomy and standardized terminology. They use a “model fuzzer” throughout the survey to motivate/explain fuzzer design choices.
The survey covers all fuzzing papers from 2008–2019 in 7 conferences (CCS, S&P, NDSS, USEC, FSE, ASE and ICSE) plus additional relevant papers.
Their terminology:
- Program Under Test (PUT)
- Fuzzing = testing with a large number of unexpected inputs to find security bugs
- Fuzz campaign
- Seed pool (called a corpus by AFL)
- Taint analysis = determining dependency of branches on parts of input
- Crash triage = grouping bugs. Can use coverage, execution counts, stack hashing, etc.
- Instrumentation – used to detect bugs and to measure coverage/etc. (Note: dynamic instrumentation needed for dynamic libraries, etc.)
- In-memory fuzzing is fuzzing part of the program repeatedly without respawning the process. Can lead to unrepeatable reports or false reports. (cf. “online” or “execution generated testing (EGT)” in symbolic execution).
- Seed trimming reduces the size of seeds
Their model fuzzer starts as
while t_elapsed <= t_limit:
config = Schedule(fuzz_config, t_elapsed, t_limit)
test_cases = InputGen(config)
new_bugs, exec_infos = InputEval(config, test_cases, oracle)
all_bugs = all_bugs + new_bugs
fuzz_config = ConfigUpdate(fuzz_config, config, exec_infos)
if !Continue(fuzz_config): break
This model allows them to classify around 100 fuzzers according to the design choices they make in each of the functions:
- Misc: feedback gathering granularity (black/grey/white), open sourced, requires source code for PUT
- Preprocess: supports in-memory fuzzing, constructs model, performs program analysis
- Schedule: performs seed scheduling
- InputGen: mutation, model-based, constraint-based, taint analysis
- InputEval: crash triage by stack hash, crash triage by coverage
- ConfigUpdate: evolutionaly seed pool update, model update, seed pool culling
The following sections follow the structure of the paper (and of the paper’s model fuzzer).
The “Fuzz Configuration Scheduling (FCS) Problem”:
Fundamentally, every scheduling algorithm confronts the same exploration vs. exploitation conflict – time can either be spent on gathering more accurate information on each configuration to inform future decisions (explore), or on fuzzing the configurations that are currently believed to lead to more favorable outcomes (exploit).
The main choices are black/grey/white-box. There is a table that organizes fuzzers by date and by genealogical connections and breaks them down into
- black-box (subdivided into network, file and kernel)
- grey-box (subdivided into concurrency, file and kernel)
- white-box
Models of black-box mutational fuzzing include Bernoulli trials, “Weighted Coupon Collector’s Problem with Unknown Weights” (WCCP/UW), “Multi-armed bandit” (MAB). Grey-box fuzzers often use “evolutionary algorithms” (EA), may prioritize configurations that have been used least (which encourages cycling through configurations), use a power schedule.
Input generation
Inputs can be generated
- according to a model: “generation-based fuzzers” or “model-based fuzzers”
- grammar-based
- inferring grammars from examples, source code, etc. during Preprocess
- inferring grammars from instrumentation during ConfigUpdate
- by mutation of a seed: “mutation-based fuzzers”
- bit-flipping
- arithmetic mutation
- block-based mutation
- dictionary-based mutation
Input evaluation
Oracles include
- instrumentation such as address/memory/UB/thread sanitizers, control-flow integrity, etc.
- detecting known insecurity vulnerability
- differential testing
Seed trimming is reducing the size of a crashing test case. Test case minimization is reducing the size of a crashing test case using the bug oracle. (This distinction is not clear to me.)
Configuration updating
- Evolutionary algorithms update the seed pool and update the fitness function
- Updating the minset of testcases according to some coverage metric by culling weaker testcases