Efficient state merging in symbolic execution

Volodymyr Kuznetsov, Johannes Kinder, Stefan Bucur, George Candea
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Read: 25 February 2021

Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
PLDI '12
Beijing, China
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, USA
Pages 193-204
Note(s): symbolic execution, symbolic evaluation, bounded model checking, verification condition generator, KLEE verifier, state merging, verifier performance

Classic symbolic execution suffers from path explosions due to forking the state on every conditional branch. This paper explores how to selectively merge states to push symbolic execution further along the symbolic evaluation spectrum while stopping short of merging states at every join point as in bounded model checking. By not merging at every join point, they aim to retain the benefits of high levels of concrete execution, simpler solver queries and flexibility of search strategies to explore the most interesting paths first.

The main ideas are “Query Count Estimation” (estimating how often a variable will appear in future queries) which is used to decide which differences between states matter most and “Dynamic State Merging” which opportunistically merges similar states.

The paper has a nice overview of the design space of symbolic program analysis based on how the following are handled: loops/recursion; whether and how feasibility of branches is checked to avoid encoding infeasible branches; whether and how states from different paths are merged; and compositionality. With the exception of compositionality, this is captured in Algorithm 1 that presents a generic algorithm parameterized by a scheduling function, a state similarity relation and a branch checker. This is able to capture search based symbolic execution (as in KLEE and DART), bounded model checking, static state merging in verification condition generators, and function summaries (which can be seen as merging states at the end of a function).

Query Count Estimation (QCE) uses a preprocessing step to count the number of times each variable is used in a branch conditition in later parts of the CFG. The calculation is parameterized by the fraction of branches that lead to solver queries, the probability that branches are feasible, and an iteration bound. There is an optional further parameter to handle the added query cost of ite expressions.

Dynamic State Merging (DSM) decides which states to schedule next by looking at the predecessors of states (within some bound) and prioritizing execution of states that are similar to that predecessor. This causes states that are similar to the predecessor of a state to be fast-forwarded so that we can check whether the successor state is similar with the idea that this deviation from the primary search strategy will probably be worthwhile. To reduce costs, DSM exploits knowledge of the QCE-based similarity relation to only store relevant parts of predecessor states.

This was implemented in the KLEE verifier and evaluated on the standard KLEE benchmarks (the CoreUtils suite of commands: cp, mv, sort, cut, test, etc. – 82 tools in total). QCE+DSM improves scaling (number of paths explored in fixed time) to increase by orders of magnitude (up to 10^11). (A few slow down a little (due to ite expressions) and a few crash.) The paper measures the sensitivity to some of the QCE parameters and how much DSM interferes with the primary search strategy (e.g., maximizing coverage).

They speculate that this approach can be adapted to other forms of symbolic evaluation.

Symbolic execution