Swarm testing

Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Eric Eide, Yang Chen, John Regehr
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Read: 27 February 2021

Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
ISSTA 2012
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, USA
Pages 78-88
Note(s): swarm verification, mutation testing
Papers: holzmann:ieeetse:2011

This paper adapts the ideas of swarm verification (holzmann:ieeetse:2011) in a testing context. Like swarm verification, the idea is to use a diverse range of configurations to get better coverage than you would get with a single configuration (even if it is carefully chosen). Swarm testing makes better use of a fixed time budget and reduces the effort needed to tune testing configurations.

Unlike swarm verification, parallelism is not a significant motivation: presumably because testing tends to be based on many small tests that could already be parallelized.

Some sources of different configurations are

  • Omitting some subset of an API from testing. e.g., omitting the pop operation from a data-structure test - which may make it easier for tests to hit overflow behaviour.

  • Omitting input features such as language features (in compiler testing), input file features (when testing media libraries), etc.

Exploiting “feature omission diversity” in this way is the only technique used in swarm testing. (Although they do not evaluate it in this paper, they suggest that this would also be useful in model checking under a fixed time budget.)

The key insight of the paper is that features can suppress bugs.

including a feature in a test does not always improve the ability of the test to cover behavior and expose faults: some features can actively suppress the exhibition of some behaviors.

The explanation is that different features tend to affect different parts of the system state so executing those features more tends to be better at exploring “deep” values of state variables.

The meat of the paper is three case studies that test this theory in practice: a flash file system (using mutation testing), C compilers and a red-black tree.

For the flash file system, improvements are seen in all coverage metrics and, for mutants that are hard to “kill” (i.e., that pass most tests), significantly increases detection rates. Interestingly, testing with all features enabled tends towards “overkill”: those mutants that are killed are killed by significantly more tests. This confirms the idea that traditional random testing is not as random as we would like.

An interesting side-effect of swarm-testing is that, after finding the same bug in multiple configurations, you can calculate the relevance of each feature to the bug - possibly helping you to find the bug. (This is easy in the first experiment because you know that each mutant has just one bug that would cause any failure but they are able to revisit it during the second experiment by using the text of assertion failure error messages in the compiler for bug triage.)

It also allows them to examine the idea of features being bug triggers or bug suppressors. Interestingly, they find that some significant triggers are also suppressors and vice-versa: reinforcing the idea that there is no such thing as a best configuration.

The third experiment is a bit harder to interpret. There is a benefit but they also show that bad choices about what to discard and test size can make things worse than traditional testing.

The related work section is a good survey of many types of testing.

Swarm verification