Is Rust used safely by software developers?

Ana Nora Evans, Bradford Campbell, Mary Lou Soffa
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Read: 15 June 2021

Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering
ICSE '20
Seoul, South Korea
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, USA
Pages 246-257
Note(s): Rust language, Rust unsafe code
Papers: astrauskas:oopsla:2020, qin:pldi:2020

Empirical study of unsafe annotations in open source Rust crates. Uses a tool to count different forms of unsafe annotation in the crates and the transitive dependencies of safe functions on other functions that contain unsafe annotations.

Code studied:

  1. All crates on that still build. (Around 15,000 crates)
  2. Crates that account for 90% of all downloads from (Around 500 crates)
  3. All crates that Mozilla’s Servo depends on. (Around 400 crates, overlapping with group 2)

29% of (1) use unsafe directly; rising to over 50% in (2) and (3). Mostly as unsafe blocks, not unsafe functions or unsafe traits like Sync and Send. There is a long tail mostly due to auto-generated code.

On average, a crate depends on 12 other crates. 38% of crates do not directly contain unsafe annotations but transitively depend on crates that do. (There are lots of other stats in the paper.)

The most common reason for an unsafe annotation is calling an unsafe function (64–89%). These unsafe functions are 65% Rust functions, 22.5% C functions and Rust intrinsics. Roughly half the unsafe calls to Rust functions are to Rust’s Core library of which 36% are in the ptr module and 40% are to SIMD instructions and architecture-specific intrinsics.1

The paper suggests auditing tools to detect transitive dependencies on functions with unsafe annotations, badges in, a public unsafe-review system. They also suggest annotating functions with pre-conditions under which the code is safe but note that this imposes some runtime overhead and programmer burden.

Rust unsafe code

  1. From my own use of Rust’s SIMD libraries, I know that the vast majority of SIMD library functions just perform arithmetic and do not cause any type, memory or thread safety issues but they are marked ‘unsafe’ anyway. This distorts the numbers a bit: if we were to ignore these unproblematic SIMD instructions, all the other numbers would rise: 60% of unsafe Core calls would be to ptr, 50% of unsafe function calls would be to Rust functions and 30% would be to C functions and Rust intrinsics.