An abstract interpretation framework for refactoring with application to extract methods with contracts

Patrick Cousot, Radhia Cousot, Francesco Logozzo, Mike Barnett
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Read: 09 November 2019

Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2012
Pages 213-232
Topic(s): verification
Note(s): abstract interpretation

There is a lot to recommend Design by Contract where each function/method is equipped with contracts (pre/post-conditions). But the cost is that you have to create and maintain all those contracts. This paper addresses an interesting part of the problem that arises while refactoring code: creating a contract for any functions/methods extracted. The insight here is that this is really a matter of refactoring the proof that the original code meets its contracts. The goal they set is that the new contract must meet four criteria: validity, safety, completeness and generality.

The basic approach taken is to use a combination of over- and under-approximation and forward and backward analyses to produce the weakest precondition and the strongest postcondition.

Their goal is a method that can work with a variety of specification logics: first order, separation logic, region logic, … So they create a generalization of Hoare logic to abstract over properties these all share: algebraic Hoare logic.

The main body is fairly dense with definitions: Galois connections, abstract domains, pre/post-condition abstract domains, predicate transformers, abstract Hoare logic, contracts, partial orders on contracts, etc.

There is also a section about the implementation and experiments that is about 2 pages long. It would have been great to hear more here - it sounds like it was a lot of work.