This survey reinforces my impression that symbolic execution is a beautifully simple idea that, like most beautifully simple ideas, requires a lot of optimizations to make it scale. As the structure of the paper shows, most of the survey is concerned with the optimizations.
- Introduction
- Challenges in Symbolic Execution
- Related Work
- Organization of the Article
- Symbolic Execution Engines
- Mixing Symbolic and Concrete Execution
- Dynamic Symbolic Execution
- Selective Symbolic Execution
Path Selection
Can use depth-first, breadth-first, random, buggy-path-first or other schedules such as prioritizing symbolic memory accesses. (Depth and breadth-first lend themselves to particular optimizations.)
- Caching
- Symbolic Backward Execution
Design Principles of Symbolic Executors
Principles include: “ensuring progress”, avoiding “work repetition” and “analysis reuse”.
“Online” executors explore multiple paths in one run; “offline” executors explore one path and then stop; “hybrid” executors such as MAYHEM do both.
- Mixing Symbolic and Concrete Execution
- Memory model
- Fully Symbolic Memory
- Address Concretization
- Theory of Arrays
- Partial Memory Modeling
- Complex Objects
- Lazy Initialization
- Verifying Client Code Only
- Interaction with the environment - System Environment - Application Environment
- Path explosion
Pruning Unrealizable Paths
Path constraints can be “eagerly” evaluated, or “lazily” evaluated.
- Function and Loop Summarization
- Function Summaries
- Loop Summaries
- Path Subsumption and Equivalence
- Interpolation
- Subsumption with Interpolation
- Unbounded Loops
- Subsumption with Abstraction
- Path Partitioning
Under-constrained Symbolic Execution
To avoid false positives when a function is evaluated in isolation, under-constrained variables (e.g., symbolic inputs) to the function are marked and errors based on under-constrained variables are suppressed.
- Exploiting Preconditions and Input Features
- Controlled Loop Exploration
- Dynamic symbolic execution
- State Merging
- Tradeoffs: to Merge or Not to Merge?
- Merging Heuristics
- Dynamic State Merging
- Leveraging Program Analysis and Optimization Techniques
- Program Slicing
- Taint Analysis
- Fuzzing
- Branch Predication
- Type Checking
- Compiler Optimizations
- Constraint solving
- Optimization Techniques
- Constraint Reduction
- Reuse of Constraint Solutions
- Unburdening the Constraint Solver
- Reuse of Constraint Solutions
- Other Optimizations in Symbolic Executors
- Reducing the Symbolic Executor’s Pressure on Constraint Solvers
- Lazy Constraints
- Concretization
- Handling Problematic Constraints
- Optimization Techniques
- Further Directions
- Separation Logic
- Invariants
- Function Summaries
- Program Analysis and Optimization
- Symbolic Computation
- Conclusions
Notes related to A survey of symbolic execution techniques
SMT solver, Symbolic execution
Papers related to A survey of symbolic execution techniques
- Symbolic execution for software testing: Three decades later [cadar:cacm:2013]