Notes related to Sparse model
Papers related to Sparse model
- Mosaic: An interoperable compiler for tensor algebra [bansal:pldi:2023]
- Fast sparse ConvNets [elsen:arxiv:2019]
- Rigging the lottery: Making all tickets winners [evci:arxiv:2021]
- Switch transformers: Scaling to trillion parameter models with simple and efficient sparsity [fedus:arxiv:2021]
- The state of sparsity in deep neural networks [gale:arxiv:2019]
- Sparse GPU kernels for deep learning [gale:arxiv:2020]
- ExTensor: An accelerator for sparse tensor algebra [hedge:micro:2019]
- The tensor algebra compiler [kjolstad:oopsla:2017]
- Indexed streams: A formal intermediate representation for fused contraction programs [kovach:pldi:2023]
- GShard: Scaling giant models with conditional computation and automatic sharding [lepikhin:arxiv:2020]
- SIGMA: A sparse and irregular GEMM accelerator with flexible interconnects for DNN training [qin:hpca:2020]