Soft max

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Notes: neural network, activation function

Smooth approximation to the one-hot argmax function

argmax (z_1, ... ,z_n) = (y_1, ... ,y_n) = (0, ... , 0, 1, 0, ... , 0)

that copes with having k equal max values by distributing the weight evenly across all k max values.

softargmax (z_1, ... ,z_n) = (y_1, ... ,y_n) = (... , 1, ... , 1, ...) / k


softargmax (z_1, ... ,z_n) = (y_1, ... ,y_n) = (... , 1/k, ... , 1/k, ...)

Often used in the final layer of a neural network-based classifier.

Activation function