Separation logic

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Is a kind of: permission logic
Notes: alias analysis, shape analysis, abstract interpretation, symbolic execution, VeriFast verifier
Papers: calcagno:sas:2006, calcagno:popl:2009

Separation logic is an extension of Hoare logic that adds the ability to reason about heap-based data structures and, in particular, about aliasing. It does this using ideas from linear logic to model resources that cannot be duplicated.

Variations on the theme of separation logic have been developed and are collectively referred to as permission logic.

Many tools that use separation logic only use a subset because some parts of separation logic like “magic wands” (linear implication) have poor complexity/decidability properties. In particular, tools often keep the linear and the classical parts of a term separate.

Automatic tools that use separation logic (e.g., calcagno:sas:2006 and related papers) often use abstract interpretation and use an even smaller subset of separation logic as their abstract domains together with more conventional widening operators, fixpoints, etc. This lets them construct a shape analysis where separation logic terms are used to capture what is known about the shape of a data structure. And it lets them move back and forth between precise reasoning using symbolic execution outside of loops and deliberately dropping information using abstract interpretation when generalizing loop bodies into loops / loop invariants.

Auto-active tools like the VeriFast verifier typically use more of the logic (but still not all of it) and require the user to provide loop invariants.

Bi-abduction, Concurrent separation logic, Fractional permissions, Frame rule, Implicit dynamic frames, Magic wand, Permission accounting, Permission logic, Smallfoot verifier, Symbolic execution, VeriFast verifier