Notes related to Phantom types
Papers related to Phantom types
- You can't spell trust without Rust [beingessner:msc:2015]
- No-longer-foreign: Teaching an ML compiler to speak C "natively" [blume:babel:2001]
- Type extension through polymorphism [burton:toplas:1990]
- Calling hell from heaven and heaven from hell [finne:icfp:1999]
- Phantom types and subtyping [fluet:jfp:2006]
- Faking it: Simulating dependent types in Haskell [mcbride:jfp:2002]
- Type checking records and variants in a natural extension of ML [remy:popl:1989]
- A safe interface to sockets [reppy:att:1996]
- Complete type inference for simple objects [wand:lics:1987]
- GhostCell: Separating permissions from data in Rust [yanovski:unknown:2021]