Notes related to Microarchitecture
Differential Power Analysis, Language based security, RISC architecture, Speculative execution, Vector architecture, Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW)
Papers related to Microarchitecture
- Vector microprocessors [asanovic:phd:1998]
- Hardware is the new software [baumann:hotos:2017]
- Computer structures: Readings and examples [bell:book:1971]
- The effectiveness of decoupling [bird:sc:1993]
- Describing instruction set processors using nML [fauth:edtc:1995]
- Very long instruction word architectures and the ELI-512 [fisher:isca:1983]
- Formal verification of the ARM6 micro-architecture [fox:ucam:2002]
- A survey of microarchitectural timing attacks and countermeasures on contemporary hardware [ge:jce:2016]
- Solver-aided constant-time hardware verification [gleissenthall:ccs:2021]
- A retrospective on `MIPS: A microprocessor architecture' [gross:micro:2016]
- InSpectre: Breaking and fixing microarchitectural vulnerabilities by formal analysis [guanciale:ccs:2020]
- Computer architecture: A quantitative approach (Fifth edition) [hennessy:book:2011]
- Flipping bits in memory without accessing them: An experimental study of DRAM disturbance errors [kim:isca:2014]
- Spectre attacks: Exploiting speculative execution [kocher:arxiv:2018]
- Differential power analysis [kocher:crypto:1999]
- Scalable vector media processors for embedded systems [kozyrakis:phd:2002]
- Automated pipeline design [kroening:dac:2001]
- Proving the correctness of pipelined micro-architectures [kroening:itg:2000]
- Single-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architectures for multithreaded workload performance [kumar:isca:2004]
- Decoupling integer execution in superscalar processors [palacharla:micro:1995]
- Flip Feng Shui: Hammering a needle in the software stack [razavi:usenix:2016]
- Decoupled access/execute computer architectures [smith:tocs:1984]
- CLKSCREW: Exposing the perils of security-oblivious energy management [tang:sec:2017]