Coq is an interactive theorem prover based on the calculus of constructions (CoC) which is a constructive logic based on the Curry-Howard correspondence.
Notes related to Coq theorem prover
CompCert compiler, Dependent type, NOVA hypervisor, RustBelt verifier
Papers related to Coq theorem prover
- The meaning of memory safety [azevedo:post:2018]
- Combining mechanized proofs and model-based testing in the formal analysis of a hypervisor [becker:fm:2016]
- Constructions: A higher order proof system for mechanizing mathematics [coquand:eurocal:1985]
- CertiKOS: An extensible architecture for building certified concurrent OS Kernels [gu:osdi:2016]
- RustBelt: Securing the foundations of the Rust programming language [jung:popl:2017]
- Stacked borrows: An aliasing model for Rust [jung:popl:2020]
- Coq: The world's best macro assembler? [kennedy:ppdp:2013]
- Formal verification of a realistic compiler [leroy:cacm:2009]
- A secure and formally verified Linux KVM hypervisor [li:sandp:2021]
- Lem: Reusable engineering of real-world semantics [mulligan:icfp:2014]
- Software foundations [pierce:book:2016]
- RefinedC: Automating the foundational verification of C code with refined ownership types [sammler:pldi:2021]
- SpaceSearch: A library for building and verifying solver-aided tools [weitz:icfp:2017]
- GhostCell: Separating permissions from data in Rust [yanovski:unknown:2021]