A Proposal for the Standard Haskell Libraries

Alastair Reid, John Peterson
Yale University
[pdf] [url]

Proceedings of the Haskell Workshop 1995, Yale University Research Report YALE/DCS/RR-1075
Portland, Oregon, USA


First page of paper


@inproceedings{Reid95haskelllibraries , affiliation = {Yale University} , ar_file = {Haskell_95b} , ar_shortname = {Haskell 95b} , author = {Alastair Reid and John Peterson} , booktitle = {Proceedings of the Haskell Workshop 1995, Yale University Research Report YALE/DCS/RR-1075} , file = {HW1995-Proceedings.pdf} , link = {https://www.haskell.org/haskell-workshop/1995/HW1995-Proceedings.pdf} , location = {Portland, Oregon, USA} , page = {69-81} , png = {HW1995-Proceedings.png} , title = {{A} Proposal for the {S}tandard {H}askell {L}ibraries} , url = {https://www.haskell.org/haskell-workshop/1995/HW1995-Proceedings.pdf} , year = {1995} }