SoC-C - efficient programming abstractions for heterogeneous multicore systems on chip
Alastair D. Reid, Krisztián Flautner, Edmund Grimley-Evans, Yuan Lin
ARM Ltd and University of Michigan
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2008)
Atlanta, GA, USA
October 2008
The architectures of system-on-chip (SoC) platforms found in high-end
consumer devices are getting more and more complex as designers strive
to deliver increasingly compute-intensive applications on
near-constant energy budgets. Workloads running on these platforms
require the exploitation of heterogeneous parallelism and increasingly
irregular memory hierarchies. The conventional approach to
programming such hardware is very low-level but this yields software
which is intimately and inseparably tied to the details of the
platform it was originally designed for, limiting the software’s
portability, and, ultimately, the architectural choices available to
designers of future platform generations. The key insight of this
paper is that many of the problems experienced in mapping applications
onto SoC platforms come not from deciding how to map a program onto
the hardware but from the need to restructure the program and the
number of interdependencies introduced in the process of implementing
those decisions. We tackle this complexity with a set of language
extensions which allows the programmer to introduce pipeline
parallelism into sequential programs, manage distributed memories, and
express the desired mapping of tasks to resources. The compiler takes
care of the complex, error-prone details required to implement that
mapping. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SoC-C and its compiler
with a ``software defined radio’’ example (the PHY layer of a Digital
Video Broadcast receiver) achieving a 3.4x speedup on 4 cores.
, abstract = {
The architectures of system-on-chip (SoC) platforms found in high-end
consumer devices are getting more and more complex as designers strive
to deliver increasingly compute-intensive applications on
near-constant energy budgets. Workloads running on these platforms
require the exploitation of heterogeneous parallelism and increasingly
irregular memory hierarchies. The conventional approach to
programming such hardware is very low-level but this yields software
which is intimately and inseparably tied to the details of the
platform it was originally designed for, limiting the software's
portability, and, ultimately, the architectural choices available to
designers of future platform generations. The key insight of this
paper is that many of the problems experienced in mapping applications
onto SoC platforms come not from deciding how to map a program onto
the hardware but from the need to restructure the program and the
number of interdependencies introduced in the process of implementing
those decisions. We tackle this complexity with a set of language
extensions which allows the programmer to introduce pipeline
parallelism into sequential programs, manage distributed memories, and
express the desired mapping of tasks to resources. The compiler takes
care of the complex, error-prone details required to implement that
mapping. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SoC-C and its compiler
with a ``software defined radio'' example (the PHY layer of a Digital
Video Broadcast receiver) achieving a 3.4x speedup on 4 cores.
, acceptance = {33}
, affiliation = {ARM Ltd and University of Michigan}
, ar_file = {CASES_08}
, ar_shortname = {CASES 08}
, author = {Alastair D. Reid and
Kriszti{\'a}n Flautner and
Edmund Grimley-Evans and
Yuan Lin}
, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture,
and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2008)}
, day = {19-24}
, doi = {10.1145/1450095.1450112}
, editor = {Erik R. Altman}
, file = {cases2008-SoC-C.pdf}
, location = {Atlanta, GA, USA}
, month = {October}
, pages = {95--104}
, png = {cases2008-SoC-C.png}
, publisher = {ACM}
, slides = {cases2008-SoC-C-slides.pdf}
, title = {{S}oC-{C}: efficient programming abstractions for heterogeneous multicore
systems on chip}
, year = {2008}