Detailed Models of Instruction Set Architectures - From Pseudocode to Formal Semantics
Automated Reasoning Workshop 2018
Cambridge, UK
April 2018
Processor instruction set architectures (ISAs) are typically
specified using a mixture of prose and pseudocode. We present
ongoing work on expressing such specifications rigorously and
automatically trans- lating them to interactive theorem prover
definitions, making them amenable to mechanised proof. Our ISA
descriptions are written in Sail— a custom ISA specification
language designed to support idioms from var- ious processor
vendor’s pseudocode, with lightweight dependent typing for
bitvectors, targeting a variety of use cases including
sequential and concurrent ISA semantics. From Sail we aim to
portably generate usable theorem prover definitions for
multiple provers, including Isabelle, HOL4, and Coq. We are
focusing on the full ARMv8.3-A specification, CHERI-MIPS, and
RISC-V, together with fragments of IBM POWER and x86.
, abstract = {Processor instruction set architectures (ISAs) are typically
specified using a mixture of prose and pseudocode. We present
ongoing work on expressing such specifications rigorously and
automatically trans- lating them to interactive theorem prover
definitions, making them amenable to mechanised proof. Our ISA
descriptions are written in Sail\textemdash a custom ISA specification
language designed to support idioms from var- ious processor
vendor’s pseudocode, with lightweight dependent typing for
bitvectors, targeting a variety of use cases including
sequential and concurrent ISA semantics. From Sail we aim to
portably generate usable theorem prover definitions for
multiple provers, including Isabelle, HOL4, and Coq. We are
focusing on the full ARMv8.3-A specification, CHERI-MIPS, and
RISC-V, together with fragments of IBM POWER and x86.
, ar_file = {ARW_18}
, ar_shortname = {ARW 18}
, authors = {Alasdair Armstrong
and Thomas Bauereiss
and Brian Campbell
and Shaked Flur
and Kathryn E. Gray
and Prashanth Mundkur
and Robert Norton
and Christopher Pulte
and Alastair Reid
and Peter Sewell
and Ian Stark
and Mark Wassell}
, booktitle = {Automated Reasoning Workshop 2018}
, file = {arw2018.pdf}
, location = {Cambridge, UK}
, month = {April}
, png = {arw2018.png}
, title = {{D}etailed {M}odels of {I}nstruction {S}et {A}rchitectures: {F}rom {P}seudocode to {F}ormal {S}emantics}
, year = {2018}